Audix Fusion 7 drum mic kit...

If I was you I would get a pair of Oktava MK-012 condenser mics for overheads and I would stick SM57s on the rest of the kit. Every studio/rehearsal room has sm57s lying around right? You can use a large condenser on hihats (you will need a large condenser for vocals anyway).
I guess I could try replacing the kick/snare/toms. the overheads weren't too bad tho, huh? I hope I can make good use out of them. So far, I only have local bands to record coming up soon. thanks again for your honest input.
I own them, but I put an i5 on the snare, and the D6 on the kick and used the F14 kickdrum mic on the floor tom instead. The F15 overheads sound great in my opinion. The F10 and F12 tom mics are pretty good if you place them right. I used the F10 on the first rack tom and the F12 on the second.

But I definitely recommend getting the i5 for the snare and the D6 for the kick. They're awesome in my opinion.
Well if you cant get enough hithat in the OHs, I guess just get a mic that will double as a vocal mic, and in your case I assume you want something cheap? maybe a Studio Projects B1 ($99)
you lucky SOB!:mad::D

Id say tune your drums good, blend with samples, dont worry about getting a hithat mic, youll get plenty in the OHs, and enjoy the hell out of all your new gear!