
Having complained about the "obtrusive" drumming on Elvenefris he recommended Magus' Ruuminations of Debauchery as a superior alternative :lol:

There's nothing intrusive about Magus' drumming, it's a little forward in the mix on the cd release, but that's a production issue. The problem with Lykathea Aflame is that the percussion is needlessly showy and detracts from the proper role of drumming, which is to frame structure.
There's nothing intrusive about Magus' drumming, it's a little forward in the mix on the cd release, but that's a production issue. The problem with Lykathea Aflame is that the percussion is needlessly showy and detracts from the proper role of drumming, which is to frame structure.

The 'proper' role of drumming. Hoho. I am sure it would be possible to make arguments with regards to all the instruments used in bands today stating that they were neglecting their 'proper' roles.
The 'proper' role of drumming. Hoho. I am sure it would be possible to make arguments with regards to all the instruments used in bands today stating that they were neglecting their 'proper' roles.

This is metal, and drums are not a lead instrument. If they're doing more than keeping time and filling in the empty spaces behind the melodic line, then they're doing too much. Anyone who says otherwise understands neither metal nor music in general.

Drummers are like children and coloreds: there to serve and stay out of the way of their betters.
this video = awesome

I can't believe they played that beginning classical part with just standard instruments. Unreal musicianship, the guy does like 7 vocal styles live :lol:

It's a cool video yeah but the intro 'classical' bit is just him 'violining' on teh geetar; where you hit notes and swell up the volume with knob/pedal so it sounds like teh violins.
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This is metal, and drums are not a lead instrument. If they're doing more than keeping time and filling in the empty spaces behind the melodic line, then they're doing too much. Anyone who says otherwise understands neither metal nor music in general.

Drummers are like children and coloreds: there to serve and stay out of the way of their betters.

And if everyone kept to the same rules of music all the time it would have become a very boring thing by now.
This is metal, and drums are not a lead instrument. If they're doing more than keeping time and filling in the empty spaces behind the melodic line, then they're doing too much. Anyone who says otherwise understands neither metal nor music in general.

Drummers are like children and coloreds: there to serve and stay out of the way of their betters.

:lol: who makes up these bullshit rules? you and your buttbuddies at anus?
No, it wouldn't. We'd avoid all the shitty artists who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

What do you have to say of bands like Om for which there is no guitar to take the lead? I mean "bass is only supposed to support the guitar and keep rhythm" right? No one in their right mind would say they don't know what they're doing, as Cisneros is a right fucking genius.
Anyone who says otherwise understands neither metal nor music in general.
you appearantly dont know what music is.

if metal stuck to your definition, we'd be stuck in the 80s. it would be like saying only violins are allowed to play melody in an orchestra. progression is important. expanding the roles of other instruments is imporant. guitar will always dominate metal, but that doesnt mean other instruments dont get a chance to shine. there is no hierarchy. your an idiot for even thinking it.

yours truly,
a guy who actually studied music
What do you have to say of bands like Om for which there is no guitar to take the lead? I mean "bass is only supposed to support the guitar and keep rhythm" right?

It is, after all, bass guitar, and while it certainly isn't normally used as such, it can fill that function, drums are not and never will be a stand-in for guitar.
you appearantly dont know what music is.

You apparently don't know what 'English' is, either.

if metal stuck to your definition, we'd be stuck in the 80s.

How does expecting drum lines to fit within the larger context of song keep metal 'stuck in the 80s'?

guitar will always dominate metal, but that doesnt mean other instruments dont get a chance to shine.

There's a difference between giving other instruments a chance to shine and allowing those instruments to trample over and mute the effect of the guitar lines. It makes no more sense to throw intrusive drum lines into the middle of a metal song than it does to add a timpani roll to the middle of the climatic aria of an opera.

there is no hierarchy.

Sure there is. Guitar (and, on rare occasions, bass) is the lead instrument in metal. It is guitar which defines and forms the primary building blocks of any metal song. It is the guitar line that carries meaning and melody. Other instruments may provide counterpoint or harmony or rhythmic emphasis and shading, but they are subordinate to the lead instrument, which is the guitar.


your an idiot for even thinking it.

You might want to master contractions before insulting the intelligence of others there, buddy.
not to mention gorguts (obscura) has even more "showy" drums than lykathea and you don't seem to have a problem with that.

The drumming on Obscura is certainly more technically astute, but then, so is the entire album - and it doesn't stomp all over the guitar lines, but provides shading where appropriate.
oh noes!!! i forgot the apostrophe in don't!!!! get over it, i'm lazy. i dont like capitalizing either, and sometimes my spelling sucks. get over it. anyone who stoops low enough to attack grammar instead of the points made doesnt really have anything important to say and is a complete loser.

there is no heirarchy in music. just because its the way things were done in the past doesnt mean thats the way it should be now! if that were the case black people would still have different drinking fountains.

most metal in the 80s was guitar driven. since then metal has expanded to feature all intrsuments, and even instruments not typically found in metal. not many accordian's in bay area thrash or NWOBHM. what about metal that is keyboard driven? is that wrong? i dont think so, and i doubt the hundreds of black metal bands who do it think so either.

what tramples over another instrument is completly subjective. maybe i think guitars get in the way of a good bass line! i am, after all, a bass player, and i'd like to hear more bass in the mix. guitars are mixed too high nowadays, and many great bass players are left in the shadows because of it!

in closing, shut the fuck up.
Who is the female singer?

her name is Arianne Fleury she was on Concealed but she left some time after the release. She said touring was too hard for her operatic vocals.. So now they don't have a female singer but sometimes Leïlindel from Unexpect play with them live. I hope they'll have a session female singer for the next album.
I'll agree with Scourge that guitars are the lead instrument in metal. However I will have to disagree with him about the drumming performance on Elvenefris. At first it seems needlessly showy but as the album is listened to more and more it becomes apparent that Corn's drumming not only perfectly fits and accents the guitar lines but aids significantly in the construction of the overall atmosphere of the album.

Also, I forgot to add that I find Augury rather boring. Though they are certainly ahead of most of the contemporary Quebecois Death Metal curve.