August reviews!

I miss haven. I do. Haven was the most personal album for me, It was everything I liked about the band, a breeze of fresh air every time i put it in my CD player. The lyrics were something i could understand and identify with and there was an incredible beauty that no other band could touch upon. Even the cover art was breathtaking.

Now, i love the new album, but it just seems so very COLD and aggressive. The catchy but innovative keyboard melodies from haven are gone and there's only icy riffs and growls to accompany the sterile artwork.

I know you all say its a step forward in the right direction for DT, but it just seems another Mind's I to me.
Since when is evolving weeding out the more metal elements of your music? Lets hope they stick with what they play best - METAL!! Either way don't get hung up on whether or not you think DT has or will sell out...with bands like In Flames and Arch Enemy kicking their ass WHO CARES!!!

From the Projector review on Utterly pathetic.

I miss haven. I do. Haven was the most personal album for me, It was everything I liked about the band, a breeze of fresh air every time i put it in my CD player. The lyrics were something i could understand and identify with and there was an incredible beauty that no other band could touch upon. Even the cover art was breathtaking.

You're pretty much summing up Projector for me :) Haven is nice, but it feels very shallow to my ears.

I know you all say its a step forward in the right direction for DT, but it just seems another Mind's I to me.

Well, if you mean step in right direction by bringing variety to their music, then you are right. As much as I love Projector, I wouldn't have wanted them to follow up with a very similar album. One of the things that makes DT great is that they explore new directions with every album, and never get stuck in one style. Would you have wanted Haven2?
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Gotta disagree with what you've said about Projector and Haven...

Big Time. Still, nice DD review...

I still haven't said anything about Projector or Haven, but I will soon :D

El Cid.
@Cid: No no no, i like your reviews, now don't make me look up the jerk's nick, it's evil-something maybe? :)
Originally posted by Siren
@Cid: No no no, i like your reviews, now don't make me look up the jerk's nick, it's evil-something maybe? :)

Well yeah, I like you too, but my reviews aren't that horrible! *pouts*
and G's aren't horrible either, he just likes different stuff :p
By the way, if you're ever in town, I'll buy you lunch or drinks... yeah drinks!

El Cid.
Originally posted by Cid
Well yeah, I like you too, but my reviews aren't that horrible! *pouts*
and G's aren't horrible either, he just likes different stuff :p
By the way, if you're ever in town, I'll buy you lunch or drinks... yeah drinks!
That's exactly why we have to kill him! :mad: :p
By the way, which town would that be? ;)

Siren (hungry)