Aussie Icons

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
I have to go to a party on Saturday night and the theme is to dress up as your favorite Aussie Icon..

I know there are heaps of things that I can go as, but do you's have any cool ideas for me??

I might go as Uncle Arthur, Angus (Although I think heaps of people will do him....) or something more abstract..... Such as going dressed as a baby and attaching a dingo to my neck and covering myself in blood.....:eek:
Take a George W. Bush doll, dress up as Johnny Howard & sit on the dolls' lap all night! :rolleyes:

Apart from the doll you'd only need some glasses & a comb-over.
Fuck that, go as alf stewart, and talk to your imaginary wife all night. I have a fancy dress party on saturday as well, and for your information, I'm going as a nun :)
Do you know who you reall should go as,that no one else will, who is a great Australian, Bruce Mcaveney. ALl you have to do is where a suit jacket and walk around all night proclaiming that everything is special. Ohhhhh SPeeecial,what a speecial moment,for a speeecial guy, this beer is fantastic,it's speeecial.
that is smart Koichi. You could go as peter garrett or Angry Anderson..all ya need is a bals looking wig thingy, and loadsa nikko pen scribble on ya arms if ya AA
Go as Arthur Dunger , white flopy hat , zinc on the nose/face , T-shirt with a pillow stuffed up the front, Stubbie shorts , thongs and Stubbie Holder ........Paul Hogans Ocker
Buy a fake concrete aboriginal, put a sign on it that says Nevil...Pair of brown slacks...tucked in shirt...Newspaper under your arm...go as Ted Bullpit!

Make sure every time someone grabs a beer you yell out "Money on the fridge!"

Keep proclaiming "Somebody aught to blow nuns up!"

If someone sits in your seat go "Go 'n! Go 'n! Go 'n!"

And dont forget to keep mentioning all the abstract little jobs you have just done on "The Kingswood" and that noone can use it. "The Kingswood!? Your not taking the Kingswood...I just gladwrapped the numberplates!"