Auto Tuning Bass notes down to C1?

Hi guys,

Anybody had any success with tuning plug ins down to this low end of the scale? Does auto tune work very well down that end of the scale in your experiences?


Hey kev.

Try melodyne. It works wonders for instruments.
Do you guys always tune the bass?:OMG:

depends onthe style, speed and so on.

fast stuff usually does need less tuning than slow stuff.
(because long notes tend to go down a little after the initial attack).

a lot of people dont hear intonation problems while tracking, they tend to
only know whats wrong when they put everything together and it jsut sounds wrong. a good engineer will take care of 90% of the tuning
WHILE tracking. the last 10 % might be done in postproduction.

intonation is sooo crucialto a pro sound.