Autograph idea for Glen

What are chances of having some signing sessions during the daytime instead of during when the bands are playing if bands can do so? I know there's soundchecks and whatnot, but I didn't want to miss ANY bands to get sigs (made exception for Therion). Maybe having sessions throughout the day, or perhaps a "GB only" session in daytime so the GB holders don't have to during concert time, that could be a cool perk, no matter which band(s).

When Circus Maximus & Manticora signed at the same time and linked tables together was the best damn idea someone had. 2 birds, 1 stone, perfect. This should happen more in my opinion.
Nice idea Creeps. I automatically dismiss the signings because I don't want to miss the bands. I've been to 4 PPs in a row and have only stood in one autograph line (Edguy PPIII).. which now I regret. My picture with Tobias turned out horrible and I missed Devin Townsend, who I didn't know at the time but love now :erk:
I was sad to miss most of Symphorce for the same reason, so yeah, this would be pretty cool if it could be worked out logistically.

The pre-party can sometimes turn into a great autographing session in its own right (it certainly worked out that way this year for mainstage performers Orphaned Land), but a lot of times, the bands who are present might not be obvious, don't wear nametags, etc. Plus, some folks arrive too late for the pre-party or can't get tickets.
Creeps said:
What are chances of having some signing sessions during the daytime instead of during when the bands are playing if bands can do so? I know there's soundchecks and whatnot, but I didn't want to miss ANY bands to get sigs (made exception for Therion). Maybe having sessions throughout the day, or perhaps a "GB only" session in daytime so the GB holders don't have to during concert time, that could be a cool perk, no matter which band(s).

When Circus Maximus & Manticora signed at the same time and linked tables together was the best damn idea someone had. 2 birds, 1 stone, perfect. This should happen more in my opinion.

You know, back in PPIII I had no problem getting pics with a whole bunch of people and did not miss any bands(We got pics with Devin Townsend, Jon Schaffer, Silent Force, Angra, Gamma Ray, etc. etc.) yet this year, for some reason, even by skipping some songs from some bands, I had no time whatsoever to take pics with anyone but Lars from Manticora(and we actually caught him in the pit and asked him!) I dont know if the signing times were different this time or it was simply a matter of timing..
I thought the autograph lines moved pretty quick this year. At times I was as far back as the hot bartender and still made it through the line with plenty of time to see the beginning of each set. I watcheded the end of each set before I got in line too.
One of the bands' handlers had a great idea -- get all the autographing done first, and then do the photo-taking afterward. Pretty smart, since it resulted in quicker flow-through and better photos, too.

That should probably be the new rule for bands and photos, but it would mean having to wait 'til the end of the session to get a photo taken. It would be a better photo than the usual 'over the table' shot, though.
yeah, i hate missing the autographs cause i want to see the bands...even with a GB it's hard to do logistically. We need to work this out, cause the autographs are half the fun, right?
Creeps said:
What are chances of having some signing sessions during the daytime instead of during when the bands are playing if bands can do so? I know there's soundchecks and whatnot, but I didn't want to miss ANY bands to get sigs (made exception for Therion). Maybe having sessions throughout the day, or perhaps a "GB only" session in daytime so the GB holders don't have to during concert time, that could be a cool perk, no matter which band(s).

When Circus Maximus & Manticora signed at the same time and linked tables together was the best damn idea someone had. 2 birds, 1 stone, perfect. This should happen more in my opinion.

Sounds great! It would work especially well during the special vendor period Friday.
Just curious, how many GB holders are there?

Btw Creeps, it was great meeting you and your crew!
