Automating bass to a consistent RMS Level


Jun 28, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey Guys,

After reading the "randy staub" thread I've been really wanting to try the trick that was mentioned where you automate the Bass to the Same RMS Level. I'm thinking it might be a bit excessive, but I could see that being a benefit since it would keep the bass riding smooth in the mix without having to compress with too fast of an attack and/or threshold which really can take a way from the attack of the bass.

Anyways, I use pro tools and I know how to use the automation fairly well. I'm assuming you could use the Waves Meter tool or PAZ analyzer to check the RMS of each note, and then raise the level with the staple tool in volume mode. But aren't the plug-ins before the fader in pro tools, so even If I raised the level with automation, I couldn't see the results on my track.

I'm guessing that I'd have to buss the bass to a new aux track and put the plug in's(meter/comp/eq/etc) and that should work fine.

Basically, I'd like to know if I'm doing this the right way. Even if I am, any other suggestions of how to do this would be helpful too.

The few times I've done it, I've just looked at the waveform and took that as a starting point.. :) can't say I never really checked with a meter or something, I just tried to listen. (emphasis on tried..) So much work, and when you're not gettin' paid that much... Most of the times I just slam the bass with multiple compressors! :D
I'm not positive about protools, but the fader automation should be post-FX

So leave your FX on the bass track, and route the output to an aux bus where you put the PAZ analyzer.

Is that what you're asking?
I never said I was dead set on it anywhere in my initial post...just wanted to try and see what the results were like.. thinking that I'd most likely not care for it anyways, but worth a shot on a smaller song I'm working on. But thanks for the people with acutal replies that pertained to my questions.
If you have protools 7.3 and up download the maxim plugin for free and set the output to about -8 and adjust the threshhold to pin down the bass at a constant volume, but watch out for distortion.
This will get the bass at a level RMS.
Don´t be afraid to use limiters instead of compressors.
compress the bass! a lot. a bit of drive helps too...

I'm a it surprised to see how many people here are mixing with numbers and with their eyes... but I'm an old school type of guy, so don't take any offenses anyone! :)
Yeah...when I was using Waves stuff I would use RBass to keep a consistent low-end no matter what the bassist was doing, but that would be after compression and limiting it to get a consistent (rather undynamic) source. I always hated when a bass player would actually do some neat stuff higher up and all of a sudden the low-end dropped out, in comparison to the lower notes. RBass took care of that, I know that's not part of your post, but just a little tidbit of stuff to try if you can ;)

Since I ditched those I've actually been much happier using some drive on the bass, and compressing the living shit out of it, sometimes 2-3 comps in a row, and then a limiter to finish it off as far as dynamics are concerned. For metal that is...

Hmm good topic.
I've never automated bass. I use a compresser with around 2.5db of gain reduction when tracking, and another 2.5db after tracking. Both with an attack time of 10ms and release of 250ms (so that you can actually feel the strings being plucked).
I'm gonna try automating now.
Yeah, and so? I didn't know that knowledge has an expiration date on it...jesus fucking christ. I use search function, I don't care for dates, but I knew that some smart ass is gonna whine about it. If I didn't use it, if I made a new thread instead, then I would get typical 'use search function' bullshit. So I used it, and BS makes its way again.

Just fuck off.