Is this common? Is it better to automate the settings of stereobusscomp when for example song moves to chorus from bridge and want it slammin harder or should I automate individual tracks volume and keep the SBC untouched.
Not something I've done personally but I know some high end mastering guys are basically doing exactly that. Using different settings for different sections on each song. Give it a go and let us know how you get on.
It's important to give movement to the song...I can do it in mastering situation if needed.
I think that the way the band plays and the arrangements are the first things. When I mix I don't change the settings of the buss comp but use automation and pan of the single tracks. For example in the chorus I can rise and open a little bit guitars, use more guitar tracks, rise cymbals and so on. Another good way could be have a little bit faster tempo in the chorus.
I would do it in the mix instead. Create perhaps a chorus group for the guitars for example if you want it to have a different effect. I never automate the buscomp
Seems to be something you would want to accomplish in the mix to me. By the time it gets to mastering you should have most of if not all the "feel" type characteristics in your song already so when presented for mastering, the mastering process will be used to solidify them.
Once did automate the release from auto -> 100ms or the other way around, I can't remember. The song had a long part that was very different from the other parts and it sounded better that way.