automation in PT


May 20, 2009

i allready asked in the DUC, but there is no1 answering. dont know if my question is too stupid, or if just no1 has those issues.

i am talkig bout pro tools 8 LE
i cant write plugin automation. i choose the paramater wich i wanna automate from the automation list, than the little green lamp is active next to the knob. after that i activate "write" in the track, but the parameter lamp stays green, and do not change to red. and if i playback and change the parameter, it also do not record any automations.
i can automate volume and mute and pan, but no plugin paramteters.

i searched the prefs but couldnt find anything. do anyone has an idea what i am doing wrong, or what i missed?

thx alot guys

In preferences (automation) ALWAYS have the plugin controls default to auto-enabled box checked.

That means that any plugin you use will automatically have all its parameters automatable (not even a word haha).

From the sounds of it you need to use touch mode. Touch mode is a mode that allows you to literally touch (move) any slider,pot or plugin setting and that will be written to the automation. Unlike latch mode after you have riden a fader for instance the fader will spring back to the level it had before you wrote the automation.

Hope that makes sense, just pm me if you need more help.

yeah, i have that box checked, and i know all those automation modes. i did it always under PT7. thats why i am so confusded now.


and there on the picture you can see, that the green lamp of the vacuum cutoff do not turn into red

If you want to automate plugin parameters, use the claw (ctrl+option+cmd) and click on the parameter you wish to automate...a pop up box will appear and you just select to enable the parameter for automation.

Not sure why the automation is not being recorded or being played back though.
yeah, i know how to activare the parameters. thats how i did it all the years :) and on the pic u can see, that it IS activated, but it do not record anything i change :(
guys, the DUC could help me finaly. it was a little window wich i never used, because it was enabled by default in previous versions probably.

the automation window :headbang:

there the plugin button has to be enabled of course :)

thx and have a nice day
