Automation pitch slide on Cubase 5???


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
I'm not sure if this is where I get help or if I'm suppose to give help. I need help, so redirect me if I'm wrong.

How do I achieve making guitars down-tune on Cubase 5?


Right in the beginning. Only example I could find ATM. I want to achieve the opposite. Instead of the guitar pitch rising, I want it to lower.

I understand how to use automation to lower and raise volume, but I cant seem to find a pitch automation tool?

Any tips?
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Cubase 5 has a built in one named Pitch shift/pitch correct. Load it on the track and automate the "transpose" value downwards.

No clue about the quality of the built in pitch shifter but it's the easiest way to test the effect. Took me literally less than 30 seconds to figure it out.
+1 to Cubase pitch shifter. Cut the event you want the effect on. Then use the offline pitch shifter and draw in the pitch change to go normal to low, or whatever you want.
Cubase 5 has a built in one named Pitch shift/pitch correct. Load it on the track and automate the "transpose" value downwards.

No clue about the quality of the built in pitch shifter but it's the easiest way to test the effect. Took me literally less than 30 seconds to figure it out.

Yeah i know about the built in one, but maybe i didnt investigate it much. thanks. I thought it couldnt automate

+1 to Cubase pitch shifter. Cut the event you want the effect on. Then use the offline pitch shifter and draw in the pitch change to go normal to low, or whatever you want.

thanks for the help man
Alright so I figured it out. You cut up the section you want like DestroyTheColossus said, then you go to Process>Pitch Shift>Envelope. Works exactly the way I want it to. The Pitch shift/correct came out terrible, so that plug-in is out of the question.