Available metal midi drum performances?


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2012
After using the search I read that the best way to learn how to humanize drums is to watch drummers play. I've got that covered for sure, but I'm still a little uncertain on things like what the average velocity should be, how much to vary the velocity between hits, how many ticks to move the hits over etc. I also think it would be beneficial to get a pack of metal midi performances so I can study them just to see.

I saw that a Ron Jarzombek pack is available from Platinum Samples and another pack or two available from Slam Tracks. Is there anything else that I should watch out for? Take in mind I'm probably just going to analyze them, not really use them.

I'm also considering getting a midi drum pad. I wonder if that'll help me out!
This was done with Drumkit from Hell (skip to 1:40)


Could not program that well if my life depended on it.

lol not the best example, it has nice fills but sounds fake as hell. But of course that no one expects a lot of humanization and notes off the grid in a death metal album.
I'm gonna pick it up tonight :)

Quick question that's sort of related to this topic. When you guys are making your own drumkit, do you mess with any sample restart feature? Like, let's say a snare has a bit of ring/sustain to it. If you play it fast enough you'll get some build up. Maybe some kind of sample-restart feature could help with that, especially if you could select a variable decay type thing.
I'm gonna pick it up tonight :)

Quick question that's sort of related to this topic. When you guys are making your own drumkit, do you mess with any sample restart feature? Like, let's say a snare has a bit of ring/sustain to it. If you play it fast enough you'll get some build up. Maybe some kind of sample-restart feature could help with that, especially if you could select a variable decay type thing.
thats a good point, to be honest, i dont know how sample librarys like EZ Drummer, Superior or Slate handle this or if they even take care of.
BUT there is 8Dio ZEUS drummer whos has its own "flow technologie" that should take care of exactly this behavor amongst of other kind of things. but from what i know, at ZEUS it should only affect the hihat and cymbal sounds