AVANTASIA tour. Everywhere but here.

In mentioning North America, I'm talking Canada and the States. I know the costs and all as they've been discussed here ad nauseum. The logistics nightmare. I'm not naive. It justs sucks donkey dick that AVANTASIA is unrealistic in the U.S. for all of these and other reasons I'm sure.

So you'd go see Avantasia in, say, Los Angeles or in Canada, even when you can still find cheaper flights from the US east coast to Mexico City and Costa Rica even?
They would be here in a heartbeat if there was money to be made.

1. Visas. There is an application consul fee per country of nationality. Thus, five German members of Wu-Tang Reich pay a single fee to the German consul. With Avantasia...just off the top of my head...Sammett to Germany, Cately to England, Matos to Brazil, Lande to Sweden, etc, etc. Bands also eat the cost associated with traveling to a consul in order to complete their interviews. That's not going to happen here. If a person has to fly to the other side of the country, then airfare, etc has to be covered. And before you say, it's not that far to drive or get on the train...I had to pay for Nocturnal Rites to get to the consul because they evidently live in Bumfuck, Sweden. I can't see Jorn saying..."no problem...I'll take an extra day away from my day job."

2. Professionals- Hungry bands do shit to promote their bands. They are willing to gamble on expenses if that is what it takes to go from being Latuna Boil to Lacuna Coil in the States. As for Avantasia, nobody in the project gives a fuck other than Toby. They are not appearing live for publicity or to further the Avantasia name. They are getting *paid.* In most recent instances, it's more than what their normal bands are bringing in for their wallet (Magnum for example). They are getting guaranteed money, not a door cut or bonus. If they don't get paid, then laryngitis suddenly appears.

3. Draw- Avantasia draws 5,000+ down South. They would be lucky to get 500+ in Chicago on a weekend.

4. Logistics- The performers do not get in the van so to speak. They are not going to live on a tour bus together. They don't split a room at Motel Six. You are looking at 20+ hotel rooms alone for a single night. Don't forget the logistics in getting from the airport to the club if you fly them in like they do in SA. That's an extra $500 easy here in the States just to cart their ass 15 miles.

5. Food- Bands go to White Castle or Waffle House to eat. These folks are given a per diem to eat 3 real meals/day or chow down at the royal buffet provided for them. For shits & grins, give them $100/day each.

6. Ego- You are headlining Wacken with a HUGE production. I can't see Tobias going, "well...it wouldn't be that bad to play at a shithole like the Masquerade. Hey Kiske..."

I'd guess that Milton was rather close in his estimate of what it would take to make it work here per show. I didn't even bother to drill it down to a actual number for the fest once they started throwing logistics at me to make it work.

Glenn, do you think something like this could work if they did a residency, like 2 weeks at Lincoln Center or Broadway, and marketed it similar to the way TSO markets themselves? I have always felt that if they did the album on stage in its entirety in a situation such as the one I just described that it could work instead of a National Tour.
Glenn, do you think something like this could work if they did a residency, like 2 weeks at Lincoln Center or Broadway, and marketed it similar to the way TSO markets themselves? I have always felt that if they did the album on stage in its entirety in a situation such as the one I just described that it could work instead of a National Tour.

You mean instead of paying some of the costs Glenn listed (per diem for each member, appearance fee for each member, hotel rooms for each member, transportation between hotel-venue for each member) for ONE performance/ONE night, you want to pay it for 10-15 performances/nights?

I am really trying to see where you're going with this.... But keep in mind that the NYC fans will not attend the show 15 times. The bottom line is that Avantasia simply doesn't have enough of a fanbase in NYC (or the US alone) to sell out their "Broadway" show 10, 15 times. Put it this way, I don't think they would sell out Best Buy Theater (capacity 2,200) for one night. Some people will probably travel to see them, yes. It's still cheaper to travel to see them in Mexico City or Costa Rica then New York City though. Think of how much a hotel in Manhattan costs.

Also - can you name a venue in "broadway" or whatever that will essentially take Avantasia, a show that like I said, won't sell out Best Buy for one night and give it 15 in a row?
Glenn, do you think something like this could work if they did a residency, like 2 weeks at Lincoln Center or Broadway, and marketed it similar to the way TSO markets themselves? I have always felt that if they did the album on stage in its entirety in a situation such as the one I just described that it could work instead of a National Tour.

They still have to get visas. Also nobody would go to the same show for 2 weeks straight in the same place, and nobody on Broadway or Linc Center would ever put them on. Broadway producers would need to make a few million bucks by the end of it just to waste their time in putting a show on.
So you'd go see Avantasia in, say, Los Angeles or in Canada, even when you can still find cheaper flights from the US east coast to Mexico City and Costa Rica even?
I'm not saying I'd go ANYWHERE. What I'm saying is that it sucks that they can't play ANYWHERE in the States or Canada. I'm not made of money. I'm lucky to be able to do Progpower every year without dealing with shows outside of the country. As I said in my first post, I just don't have the means or financial resources to be able to do it.
I'm not saying I'd go ANYWHERE. What I'm saying is that it sucks that they can't play ANYWHERE in the States or Canada. I'm not made of money. I'm lucky to be able to do Progpower every year without dealing with shows outside of the country. As I said in my first post, I just don't have the means or financial resources to be able to do it.

if you have a healthy kidney you have the money....wink wink.