AW: 2 more songs from new album up...

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
... on the Abigail Williams myspace page.

Acolytes & The Departure

again the album, In The Shadow Of A Thousand Suns, was co-produced by myself and Sorceron, and mixed by me, and is out now on Candlelight Records. it's available at most all Best Buy and FYE stores in the U.S., and all the usual spots in Europe and the U.K.
I've already commented on the mix in the other thread, since this is equally awesome I won't mention anything mix-related.....

I DO like the songs quite a bit, but that goes actually for the entire CD.

***throws a bunch of respect at the poster above
I wanna know how he got those sounds during the world beyond 1:14. Sounds like it could be a synth?

Please dont crucify me if its already been said :p
those are the first few notes of my guest solo.. i played them on guitar... basically just pinch harmonics on high notes.

Oh man, thats a killer solo! How many tracks are is that bit? Haha that solo really stands out to me on that record :headbang:
This is one of the few Black Metal bands I've ever liked, and I have to say a big reason for that is probably the awesome production. Good work, James.

One thing I've always wondered, is what bands do about guest solos when they play those songs live? Do you know, James, since you do a lot of them?
I fear..the "true" Black Metal fanatics will avoid it. It´s simply too good :) But when I look at the myspace and see the million listeners, I think the band will don´t care about it.

I wrote a small 5 stars Amazon review for Germany. It´s still not published..I hope this happens soon. Great respect to all, who was involved in the production!