Awesome Backstage Photo.........

NicodemiX said:
It seemed like a good idea at 3:00 last night.

lol - it's all good i understand

i won't negatively rep you b/c it was late at night

had you done that at like noon or something though i would still be negging you :lol: :lol:
Tee said:
haha. Sheppard wanted to get rid of me and the company, as I was in a company of a man, and he was in hurry to carry on blinking onto a little girl with red shiny cheeks. whereas we were asking him about the concert in Rumania, she was o_O at him and :oops: and asked me (in German, LOL) to give her the pics of him to show them to her friend, while he was signing the booklet being all nervous. I was holding the pictures that were actually his at that point, (gave them to him, he liked himself a lot, looked pretty as always)...I was just .... fuck that discussion. he was so irritated by us. he said: "mm-yeah, well, mm-yeah...I gotta go." I said: "yeah, duty calls." :D

only Warrel was (OK, and Van) a real friend to all. :p the usual stuff...

Maybe they just don't like you Tee? Don't blame it on a man being with you.
chances3 said:
Maybe they just don't like you Tee? Don't blame it on a man being with you.
Chances3, why don't you take a chance4th and get the fuck off of my back? ... :) lamey doodle.... :) (of course there is such option, in general, but wasn't in that particular case. :D )

hey, lizard, wanted to write you a PM. :wave: and I will. in the following days...
yeah right, they dont like Tee.... like that is possible.

maybe Jim was just tired or something that day ?
im sure its awfully hard to talk to sooooooooooooooooo many people after the show,
sometimes you just do things without notice them...
which im sure, was that case.

anyways... Nico- bad! very very bad!!!
:lol: no, he wasn't tired. and yes, ppl don't feel comfy around me. neither do I surrounded by them. :lol: and thx for support. :Smokedev:
Tee said:
Chances3, why don't you take a chance4th and get the fuck off of my back? ... :) lamey doodle.... :) (of course there is such option, in general, but wasn't in that particular case. :D )

hey, lizard, wanted to write you a PM. :wave: and I will. in the following days...

You're the "lamey doodle," trying to make Jim look like an asshole to the board. Some you people are never fucking satisfied.
I don't think she was trying to make him look like an asshole... just trying to point out that generally, band members favor attention from the giggly "oh pay attention to me" starstruck female fans (note that i make a distinction, this is only a fraction of female fans)
Wolftribe said:
I don't think she was trying to make him look like an asshole... just trying to point out that generally, band members favor attention from the giggly "oh pay attention to me" starstruck female fans (note that i make a distinction, this is only a fraction of female fans)

Wolftribe, I see your point, absolutely. I just see these guys make such an effort to hang out with their fans and it makes me mad to see them criticized for not behaving "perfectly." And I've seen plenty of star struck male fans too, I would think that would be more uncomfortable, having a guy falling all over you than a woman. (gaydar, haha!)
chances3 said:
Wolftribe, I see your point, absolutely. I just see these guys make such an effort to hang out with their fans and it makes me mad to see them criticized for not behaving "perfectly." And I've seen plenty of star struck male fans too, I would think that would be more uncomfortable, having a guy falling all over you than a woman. (gaydar, haha!)

yah but she wasn't really saying anything that bad... seems to me like she knows the band better than anyone on this board (except maybe will - only b/c i don't really know how much interaction they've both had with the band)

maybe you could give her the benefit of the doubt before ya start bashing her?
chances3 said:
Wolftribe, I see your point, absolutely. I just see these guys make such an effort to hang out with their fans and it makes me mad to see them criticized for not behaving "perfectly." And I've seen plenty of star struck male fans too, I would think that would be more uncomfortable, having a guy falling all over you than a woman. (gaydar, haha!)
After reading this I get the strange vision of Will jumping up and down like a school girl at an old Beatles concert screaming with joy and crying at the same time while waving his fruit of the loomis paper hysterically, LMAO!:tickled:
thanky'all *bows* for defence and offence.

nvrmind, the last time we met(2 and half months ago) I said to Mister Sheppard, "oh, no, thx, I don't want to have a pic with you, I have one already... " :D after he posed for a picture with Nick.
I can be rude as well, :wave: when I feel it's pay-pack time....all spontaneous and all.

there is no bigger fan of Nevermore than me. in the great wide world. sweet lord is my witness. :Spin:

oh, and I don't know the band. I just love the band. :) a lot. that doesn't mean I only have to say praising words. freedom of speech! :kickass:

:Smokedev: want a smoke?