Saw this posting on the local music equipment section today. Every line in this post is pure gold. I nominated it for Best Of Craigslist. 

Vintage Esteban - $100
This is one of the original classic vintage examples of the unequaled quality and craftsmanship commonly associated with Esteban, who everyone knows is the greatest living guitar player alive.
I don't play the guitar. In fact I can't tell one note from another, but I sure like the idea of being a guitar player, especially one that looks like Zorro with a beerbelly.
Esteban says that this guitar sounds as good as any of the great Seagull and Hohner !
I saw him play one that looks kinda like it on TV and man did he ever make it look easy, even while playing with really dark sunglasses on .
It comes with a super light weight case, well, a dust cover really, a super compact. light, and very quiet amplifier, some extra Esteban strings, a special Esteban picky thing, and some instructional stuff that will have you playing guitar classics like " While my guitar gently delaminates " in no time at all.
I would have posted a pic of this guitar, but the Bell and Howell Digital camera I purchased from an infomercial doesn't take actual digital just has a digital exposure counter, and I can't find any film for it at the store. This is also for sale.