Awesome news!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I was just notified that the large mothman figurine I made will be on TV sometime soon!

They're wanting to use it in a program about the mothman legend :Spin:
It will be shown sometime on the biography channel (?), and I'll post dates and times later...

I'm so stoked..

Anyway, post your awesome news here!
Congrats, what an honor!

As for awesome news... Between the Buried and Me is playing at El Corazon tonight and I'm way excited :)
yay Lesa! yay moths!

Congrats, what an honor!

As for awesome news... Between the Buried and Me is playing at El Corazon tonight and I'm way excited :)
Congratulations on the Mothman figurine :D!


Apparently drawing from what my tiny brain comprehends, you live somewhere in Washington and I missed BTBAM.

God damn it.
Scary guy, appears (or so it is said) at catastrophes right before they happen, jumps on people's cars, etc...

Standard scary guy/thing stuff.
Thanks everyone!

I'll keep peoples up to date. They're going to send me some stills/photos of my model, so I'll post those on deviantart once I get them :D
Congratulations on the Mothman figurine :D!


Apparently drawing from what my tiny brain comprehends, you live somewhere in Washington and I missed BTBAM.

God damn it.

They were awesome. Although, aside from Selkies as an encore, they played only stuff from Colors.