Awesome old school American thrash

Mehn. I saw them live and they came off as one of the more mediocre bands from this "new wave of thrash." The myspace tracks pretty much confirm that. I also hear quite a bit of older style German thrash in the mix as well.
Well, what I've heard so far. I haven't heard the entire album.

It reminds me of old thrash, and that's my favorite. I've never been a fan of Euro thrash, although much respect is due to them.

I just really like the kid's vocals and the 4/4 riffing straight out of 1985. I like Municipal Waste A LOT...not taking anything away from them or anything. I'll give the entire album a spin and post my verdict.
Wait, why do you keep referencing Municipal Waste? I'm not the biggest fan of those guys either, plus I wouldn't exactly put them at the forefront of bands for comparison among recent American Thrash acts.
Municipal Waste reminds me of the older style American thrash sound, that's why I keep referencing them. Do you have any other suggestions for that 80's thrash sound that's not ice cold a la Kreator/Destruction?
municipal waste is the only new band I like in that style, because they have succeeded in making their sound current while remaining oldschool.

all these other kids playing retro thrash just try really hard to make their records sound like they were recorded in 1986. Municipal Waste doesn't.
municipal waste is the only new band I like in that style, because they have succeeded in making their sound current while remaining oldschool.

all these other kids playing retro thrash just try really hard to make their records sound like they were recorded in 1986. Municipal Waste doesn't.

I see what you're saying and agree; I think MW wears their influences on their sleeves without resorting to copying.

Still, I like the kids' band. It's the riffing style that gets me. The really staccato sound that is so prevalent in metalcore/melodeath bullshit really annoys me. Also, thrash that's too technical kinda turns me off too.

I wanna bang my head and go nuts, not study the guitarist to see what he's doing.
yes but..they arent American

Doesn't matter if the band is American or not...just that their sound is reminiscent of that old school, Bay Area thrash sound from the 80's that I love so much.

Kreator, while a phenomenal band, never really did it for me. Great live band, albeit a bit repetitive, but their music is quite cold. I find this with many German thrash bands to be the case. It's just a different aesthetic and just personal preference.

I guess you could say that American thrash tended to have more of a hook to it, whereas European thrash was more technical. Not saying that American bands weren't technical...Megadeth was/is pretty damn technical for a thrash band in the 80's and early 90's. I just love the hooks.

It's that type of thrash that gets your fist pounding and head banging wherever you are without caring who's watching or what environment you're in.
I've noticed most of the entire internets is gushing over Mantic Ritual, proclaiming them the only decent thrash revival band.

So last week I listened to their myspace... I dunno, something didn't click, the vocals maybe (I'm very picky when it comes to thrash vocals though, so, buh). The riffs were energetic, and musically impressive, especially considering they're just a bunch of kids. Wake me up in a few albums when they release an "Act III"

I haven't heard any other thrash revival band so I can't compare.