Awesome old school American thrash

I've seen Atheist live...Atheist isn't straight-up thrash metal. It's extremely progressive with a little death thrown in for good measure. Awesome too.

If I want odd-time signatures and polyrhythms, I'll listen to...wait...oh yeah...MY BAND.

You see, I'm actually looking for non-innovative drumming, non-mindfuck structures and straightforward riffs. The problem with bands these days is that they don't know how to write a good riff, and 80's thrash was full of great riffs. It doesn't matter how simple or complicated it is; you shouldn't have to study the guitarist to like the music. Here's the test: if you don't like it within the first five seconds, it wasn't worth your time. 80's American thrash was full of hooks and awesome, catchy songwriting. There are a million bands who can play widdly diddly shit and have song structures that are enigmatic, but not everyone can write a song like Damage, Inc. or Do the Dream.
I did read your post this time and I agree. Thats how I feel about early 90s death metal which i totally <3 <3 <3. There's no replacement for a 4/4 headbanger.

It's so funny you said that. I almost posted, "I am to thrash metal what 90's death metal enthusiasts are to death metal."

All my friends want to bring back old school DM, and I immediately thought of one of my friends in particular. Suffocation, Pestilence, Morbid Angel, and Obituary. Obviously he has a thing for Floridian death metal :p.
only 90's death metal I obsess over is Lord Wyrm-era cryptopsy which was still 4/4 but still poetically and rhythmically complicated. No death metal band sounded like old cryptopsy. They were in a sense the Nevermore of death metal. Simple yet complex at the same time. Hard to get a blend like that around these days. I'll heed to the catchy riffing since the 80's and 90's were musically FAR superior overall to the shit that comes out today, but you can technically consider lady gaga as "catchy" to the extent of the fact that those riffs or hooks were engineered specifically to stay stuck in your head for the rest of the day like a mindfucked zombie if you even catch a sonic whiff of it in a distant corner of the street. So yeah, catchy and quality often don't go together these days. Catchy in my opinion is something that your ears get attenuated to. I find all the bands aforementioned above "catchy" because I've been around the music long enough to pick up the patterns quickly and got used to the chord structures and melodic progressions. Be it from Nevermore to Meshuggah to Cryptopsy to Exhorder etc etc etc.

Oh by the way, someone mentioned bay-area thrash and they didn't put Testament in the same sentence. What the fuck...
I'm a vocabulary kinda guy, still working on the other areas of grammar, as you can tell. As for all who find the site of "such big words" to be too abhorring in their eyes, then I allow you to attempt to meagerly cajole me to your perspective by juxtaposing my form of colloquialism next to the fetid vernacular of the ever-prevailing and clearly superior Üb3r 1337 1ntrn3t 5p34k.
4r p3pp3r 1z 4w3s0m3!!!!
