Awesome political quote (even safe for Dark One)

Dark One said:
That said, if continuing to express your frustration to others that mostly share your sentiments makes your personal world better, than so be it and more power to you.
well it's somewhat cathartic but it doesn't do anything, i'll give you that

personally i try and contribute where i can but i don't think it makes a fucking lick of difference...anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-mainstream = zero voice
cthulufhtagn said:
well it's somewhat cathartic but it doesn't do anything, i'll give you that

I can certainly see the "release" qualities of it, I just personally think it would wear off after repeated postings, but if not, hey, go for it.

cthulufhtagn said:
personally i try and contribute where i can but i don't think it makes a fucking lick of difference...anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-mainstream = zero voice

Nah, I wouldn't say that. Believe me, it makes a difference.
i suppose what i meant to say is, i have strong views about politics but i have no expectation that people, being idiots, will ever stray very far from the forseeable course. so when i participate actively it's out of some desire for personal fulfillment, not hope for change.
Dark One said:
LOL @ the thread title.

Dark One said:
Anyway, good words, which I would generally agree with if I didn't already know the broken record underlying implications contained within.
Fair enough.

Dark One said:
Let me ask you a general question Greg: If things are so terrible and you care about it so very much (as you appear to) - have you considered taking constructive action other than continued bashings among a small group of people that (for the most part) already agree with everything you say? Seriously, why not write Op Ed pages for your local paper, get involved with local politics, take part in or organize protests, etc.?
I could rant on this for days, but don't have the time. The simple answer is, the system is so badly broken, that it's hopeless.

Dark One said:
I'm going to take the high road and focus on what things we DO have in common in order to be happy

nothing personal guys but the "if you hate it so much why don't you do something constructive" argument is pretty silly. it assumes that discussion ("complaining") is not constructive, when it can be. not to mention if someone is doing wrong it is first and foremost their responsibility to change, not someone else's.

the best most people can do nowadays is think critically and hope more people start to see things their way, either through persuasion or by getting screwed in the ass. a few more years in iraq, more abuse of prisoners (the other day bush admitted to having secret prisons so the admission of torture is probably just around the corner :loco: ) and another katrina-type situation ought to do the trick.
General Zod said:
I could rant on this for days, but don't have the time. The simple answer is, the system is so badly broken, that it's hopeless.

This is essentially why I decided to not persue a Political Science major in college. I used to love discussing politics in high school, I was a total nerd, joined the Model United Nations, Mock General Assembly, etc. Im so tired and disgusted with our government and our politics now I've lost the desire to study it.
all i can further say about this and of course compare it to living in Romania in the 70-80's ... is that I see Erik's point about the gov't slowly erroding away at our individual freedom's because its for "our greater good" and we are fighting "an enemy" ... I heard that lie before and believe me its all bullshit.

I said it before and will say it again ... if a small pee on gov't 30 years ago was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the majority of a nation ... I am afraid to even think of what a superpower such as this one with the media at their side can do or really hide from us.

did not really even think about all this shit until 9/11 happened.
I really, truly, believe everything is going to be just fine for the Average American Citizen. I feel like I'm the only one left who does.
I really, truly, believe everything is going to be just fine for the Average American Citizen. I feel like I'm the only one left who does.

tHE Filthy immigrantS who rape our culture barren.

The disgusting negars who haven't lifted a finger since Sir Reginald lashed their great grand daddy ezklestial to plow harder.

The filthy morally bankrupted bone diddler, who beckons your 7 yr old child to follow in his homoerotic footsteps

The degenerate drug addict who steals your car stereo at night to satisfy his hunger for heroin.

The liberal who supports all of the above,

They must go the way of the dodo, if we are to SURVIVE!!!! :)