Awesome show in Tampa ......


The Wallonian Redneck.
Too bad the show did not get a lot of promotion, a lot of people just learned about the show this week.
They played songs like Victorious March, Vs the world, Bleed for Ancient Gods, For the stabwounds in our backs, ride for vengeance,.... also to notice they were the coolest guys on the whole tour along with Behemoth. Thanks for a great show. Vehemence was very good too and Revenge was just a cacophony of noise with tough guy attitude and aren't worth mentioning. Deicide were and remain the biggest assholes of all, no pictures allowed inside the club for all the bands, security like i have never seen it before,.... and what really pissed me off about these guys was when I was outside and saw 2 kids asking Hoffman to sign a Deicide cd cover, Hoffman looked at the kid and just walked away, when 2 minutes earlier that same kid got all the Cannibal covers signed by Corpsegrinder. Needless to say many people left after Amon was done playing, as for Deicide they arent worth my money or my support.
All hails to AA and Behemoth and hails to Tom from the AA forum, see you around. :rock:
I appreciate the Deicide music but really would be better for mister Benton to suicide when he was 32(as he was preaching years ago)instead of acting with the other dickheads of the band like a brokenass rockstar.I hope for him to live the next life by the crusades age,with a big christian templar fucking him with a broadsword!!! :flame:
i almost couldnt make it! i had to pawn a bunch of stuff to get money for the show! and the tickets actualy were $25 god damnit!
Vehemence was pretty good and all but i missed half there set, but what i herd was good...
revenge fucking kicked ass despite what belgar says!
and then i had to sit through behemoth...zzz...zzz... but than amon amarth came out and started blowing everyone away!! they cut out a bunch of songs though and only played about 45mins but they still fucking ripped!! ride for vengence fucking knocked me on my ass when some fat dude fell on me and i got a wiff of his armpit!! i wish deicide cancelled so they could play all nite! i stuck around for them just because i gave them all my fucking money so i figured id stay and see what the fuss was about... did anyone see when that guy spit at glenn and he got all pissed!??? that was pretty funny!
all around it was a bad ass show and i hope AA comes back soon! maybe next time i can get my stuff signed i had forgot to bring all my stuff but oh well... maybe next time AA will play by themselves and play all there songs!!
its not the mugs fault they couldnt promote the show, it was the booking agent or whoever who decided to book the tour at the same time it was happening! and the brass mug kicks ass! its the most metal place in the world!!!!!
Ohhh man. Are you fucking kidding? Hahah geez. Just my fucking luck to miss a show so close. Fuck it. I'm driving to fucking Chicago to see them tear down Rileys Rock House.
Less raunchy than the Mug . . .

that place looks like every old Irish (hail St. Patrick's Day) bar in Hell's Kitchen . . cracks me up the shows they book there . . .
TexunNYC said:
Less raunchy than the Mug . . .

that place looks like every old Irish (hail St. Patrick's Day) bar in Hell's Kitchen . . cracks me up the shows they book there . . .

Yeah, I heard it was pretty shatty....Oh well, at least they do have some awesome venues to play...The HOUSE OF BLUES here will be great for them!!!

christcrusher, it is true. I will be leaving South Florida in about a week in time to catch AA in Aurora, IL. I have friends near there, and am itching to get the FUCK out of Florida. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. Just bum around and try to find a way to work things out somewhere else. I fucking hate Florida.