AWMM is in heat.

ah well. i'm not fully researching if they're spanish or not. if it shows up in a google search for spanish chicks, good enough for me :loco:
my fave ... EVER spaniard ... Paz Vega ... I love her!!!

rent SEX and LUCIA for some steamy scenes ... she was in Spanglish also

google image results for "beaner bitch" has but one photo:


and good christ, even with all the titties in this thread lurch still wins. edit: lizard in close second place now hahahhaa
lizard said:
I don't think Awmm is the only horny person around here now:tickled:

me: (picks up phone) hey babe, it's me....get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in bed!
wife: and what's gotten you all fired up?
me: er....(can't reveal that CT has been posting hawt pics all afternoon on ter intarweb) you know I just can't get enough, woman!

you know the yellow speedo will pop into your head during the "session" and you will LOL uncontrolably :Spin: :wave:
lizard said:
I'm noticing that guys are viewing this thread and then disappearing for ten or fifteen minutes:blush::blush::blush:
who the fuck lasts that long?! you people are MACHINES!!! :loco:
i generally yell "28, 29, 30 NEW RECORD!!!" run around in a circle, then go play video games.