Anthrax in Terrorizer


Just picked up this months copy of terrorizer and theres a small article on Anthrax in it.....

Charlie talks about the change of record company and the problems of the past year. Two things caught my eye,he says the weirdest thing he saw about the furore of the name Anthrax was CNN reporting they had changed their name to Basket full of puppies:lol: is this true?....

Secondly, Charlie says the new album has the anger of Amongst the living, with the melody of Volume 8. this to me equals perfect album.........

Does anyone know anything about Augdawg? He hasn't posted for awhile.....
I was wondering about AugDawg myself...

And all I know about the CNN thing was Scott said it was on there, but I only watch CNN at like 2 in the morning when I can't sleep (or have a kid to feed) while I'm flipping channels, so that's all I really have to go by.