Awsome Concert Last Night!!


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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I am set. I saw Symphony X, Blind Guardian, and a local band called Blistered Earth. Man, did I have the time of my life!!! I took pictures...I'll throw them up when I get them developed. They're mostly of the lead singer of Symphony X ::grins:: It was my first concert....just thought I'd tell you about it. :)

Oh, and I'll be drawing the next cd cover as well as a banner for a local band in my area called Iron Corps. I'm deffinatly having an awsome week!!!
Originally Posted By Liz Metal: "It was my first concert....just thought I'd tell you about it."

Congradulations on your 1st Concert..........Our Liz is Growing up....:spin: :spin:
Originally posted by LIZ METAL
I am set. I saw Symphony X, Blind Guardian, and a local band called Blistered Earth. Man, did I have the time of my life!!! I took pictures...I'll throw them up when I get them developed. They're mostly of the lead singer of Symphony X ::grins:: It was my first concert....just thought I'd tell you about it. :)

Oh, and I'll be drawing the next cd cover as well as a banner for a local band in my area called Iron Corps. I'm deffinatly having an awsome week!!!

Wow, Right On!
Blind Guardian has some great heavy songs.

Thanks! :) We really blew Blind Guardian away....they were amazed by the crowd 'cause we all chanted "Guardian!" after every freakin' song! It was their first time in the US. Hell, there was even a mosh pit during one of their songs!! It was pretty rough too from what I saw. I even got crushed at the end when Blind Guardian started throwing stuff in the crowd, one of the items (not sure what it was) was tossed near me and everyone went after it. Somehow the people in front of me fell and landed right on top and pinned me to the ground(I've got the bruises on my back and ass to prove it too, :lol: ). My friend tried to pull me out from underneath and tried to push the guys off of me. It was so crowded as well, so much that there were times where I could only fit one foot on the floor and either couldn't put my arms down or up.

What really made my night was when the lead singer of Symphony X pointed me out and sang to me....what bliss! My friend couldn't stop laughing when he saw how happy I was. :grin: