How did you discover Symphony X

In the summer of 2000 me and a couple other friends were talking about bands and who was our favorite. So my friend mentioned Symphony X and i had never heard of them before (obviously) and i asked him to describe the music and he said he couldnt, it was just good. So i walk into Sam Goody (god what a shitty music store) next saturday and i actually see V. Its the only one so i grab it and buy it completely BLIND. Best purchase I ever made because it got me into symphony x and brought me into the genre known as prog metal :)
via the web...found the live cd at a store, bought it now am a fan. it's been about .75 years now. love their work. love the new cd, especially the overture on the title track. i love that shit.
[color=#AOEOOA]A mate, told me to download DT's Glass Prison, and it rocked, I went through most of Dream Theater's albums, and in an Aussie magazine a few months later, Symphony X was listed next to Dream Theater as similiar artists.

So I bought the Live album, it took awhile to grow on me (it's an average Live album), and after awhile Church and Smoke got to me, so I bought Twilight, and then they became fucking amazing.

So I continued with V, and I'd get Odessy if it was out in my fucking area, I have to travel a fair distance to a decent store.

I should have it on Thursday.[/color]
A fellow Dream Theater fan and friend of mine copied 'The Divine Wings of Tragedy' on MD for me, and it didn't take me that long to go out and buy the disk. A while later I bought 'V' and from there there's been no looking back..
Right after V came out alot of people were talking VERY highly of it and SX in general on a Yngwie board I frequent. So I went out and bought it. I listened to it and set it aside for a while then I really gave it some serious time in my CD player.... The best musical decsion I've ever made. I have listened to nothing but Odyssey since it came out. But I have a problem now. I found and purchased The Damnation Game and Twlight in Olympus today, so I'm in SX overload right now, and loving every minute of it.
I was over at my friend's house listening to some Dream Theater on his computer, when he says, "if you like DT, check this out." He puts "V - The New Mythology Suite" on his computer and plays "Evolution the Grand Design." That opening riff was a smack in the face. Romeo's guitar riffs and tasty soloing abilities blew me away. Also, as a concept album "V - The New Mythology Suite" was nipping at the heels, if not exceeding Dream Theater's "Scenes From a Memory" Wow. Aside from Dream Theater, Symphony X is my favorite band. I have seen DT live in Pittsburg with Satriani, and it was beyond amazing. Now all I have to do is see Symphony X with Blind Guardian, and my life will be complete.
I heard them at a friend's house and was instantly hooked. I couldn't get enough Symphony X! I now own everthing they've done! Saw them in St Louis last week and love them even more, after meeting them!! They are awesome!!!!
Same as a dude before That said the metal blade website. I was listening to random bands and symphony x's name caught my attention. This was about 2 years ago. The song there was evolution. I listened to it and the opening riff was awesome, but i was pessimistic and decided it would probly be death metal. i continued to listen and i was surprised by what i heard, but didn't think much of it. The next day or mabey two later, something just clicked and i couldn't get the chorus out of my head, so i listened to it again... and again... and again...Then i searched the net for anything i could find on the band. Shorly after i bought V.