Review of Concert at The World


Sep 20, 2002
Connecticut, USA
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Just got back from the city where I saw Symphony X and Blind Guardian. It was a great show. The concert opened with some death metal band. I don't know who they thought they were, but "good band" certainly didn't come to mind. No idea who picked them, they were boring, predictable, and confused. Symphony X came on next. The setlist was great, though I won't spoil it for anyone, but they did some stuff from the new CD, and Russell Allen has awesome charisma, Romeo is a god as usual. Symphony X was so great, even my dad loved them and is going to buy 2 CD's tommorow;) Guardian finished the show, and while they were musically, about equal to Symphony X, the stage show was great, but what really killed it for me was the crowd. There were about 10 kids there who seemed to think it was a Slipknot concert or something. They decided to start throwing themselves around as hard as they good, namely into me and my girlfriend who got a bloody lip. They wouldn't stop no matter how many kids I got violent with. I guess that's cause its a mosh pit and it's already violent:p Anyways, I don't mind if people get into the show, I was into it too, just don't ruin the experience for others. Bounce around, whatever, just don't fucking hurl your 220lb self into a 17 year old girl, you fucking retard.
Wow, sucks to hear about the crowd for you during BG...where I was (against the fence in front of Romeo) the people were pretty cool. SyX kicked ass as usual. Blind Guardian was amazing...I kinda thought Into the Storm lacked energy, but that might also be because its never been one of my fav BG songs. The crowd was SOOO LOUD!!!! Probably the most insanely enthusiatic crowd Ive ever been a part of hehe. The SyX setlist was the same as Birch Hill, minus Church of the Machine. BGs was (not sure of order):

Into the Storm
Welcome to Dying
Script for my Requiem
Harvest of Sorrow
Mordreds Song
And then There was Silence up until the 1st chorus then into
Under the Ice
Bright Eyes
The Bards Song - In the Forest
Time Stands Still
Imaginations From the Other Side

Punishment Divine
Lord of the Rings
Mirror Mirror

Highlights for me were Valhalla (stuck in my head all fucking night afterwards hehe), Mordreds Song, Bards Song, And Then THere Was Silence (possibly my fav BG song), and the entire fucking encore. I was glad to see a lot of people into SyX (at least in my area of the floor there were). Maybe next time it'll be BG opening for them hehehe. Honestly I could not pick a better pairing of bands to play a concert. For me anyway, I think they are the two best bands in metal today.
SX put on a fantastic show last night! The sound was awesome and the band was pumped. This was the ninth time I've seen them live and even though the set was only 45 minutes long, it was the best SX show I've ever seen.

Thanks to an error on the part of the venue, I didn't get a photo pass so I don't have any pictures. But I did manage to get up front anyway and now my throat is killing me from singing along. LOL. Judging from the reaction of the crowd and the fact that the show was sold out, I wouldn't be surprised if Symphony X headlines that place in the very near future.;)

That's it from me for now. I've gotta go rest up my back. All that jumping around really kicked my butt. :lol:

Sorry for the lame review, it was at 12:30 last night and I was sick and tired. Anyways, the crowd was amazing, it was only a handful of guys towards the back who got a little too rough. Most of the crowd seemed cool though, I was all over. For SX I was in the middle of the floor, in front of Romeo, for BG I was back a bit farther. Still, definitely the most energetic crowd I've ever seen, and an amazing show by both bands. Unfortunately I had to leave at 10:15, right after Bright Eyes, so I missed the Bards Song and that killer encore. But regardless, it was an amazing concert, glad you guys had a good time.
It was a cool show, I just wish symphony x could have played longer. Before the show i thought that it would be split half and half for who went to see BG and who went to see Sym X. Boy was i wrong. It felt like everybody was singing to BG's songs. I only knew a couple. And god, were they cheesy lol. Even though the concert was relatively tame. It was quite a lame pit btw lasting maybe 30 seconds at a time, and the people doing the moshing didnt know what they were doing so some people ended up getting hurt (like your gf, sorry to hear bout that). Anyway, at least I got to meet 3 members of one of my favorite bands :grin:

Now the funs over and im back at school :(
At the SX show I went to During BG there was this 4-foot guy moshing. HE was the only ones. AFter 2 songs people just beat the crap out of him and we were bothered no more. I liked the fact that there wasn't a lot of moshing at the concert. That kind of shit ruins concerts if you ask me.
I was there, it was awesome, I was standing next to Yngvai most of the show, and we talked alot, I had a good time. Except for the encore, when the crowd started being asswipes, and was crushing my lady friend, and I fucking punched this kid so hard in the side, he turned around and I gave him the look of death, and he let off a tiny bit. The crowd were a bunch of assholes, pushing, pouncing, it almost got out of control, if it did, I was ready to bust heads open...anyways...great show, Valhalla went on way too long, lol Lord of the rings was awesome, the first band....Ah yes the first band, heavy metal from ou tof all places Orange county CA. The same Orange County that has bestowed upon many memorable acts suchs as...Blink 182, Sugar Ray, Offspring, No Doubt...etc etc they looked like fucking pop punkers, and they fucking blew horse ass. Symphony X was great, as usual, kind of a short set, but it was all good.

As for those who went...I was the dude dressed in all black with the Emperor shirt, walking up and down the line for about 2 hrs looking for people with extra tickets. I finally got a ticket off some kid for 27 bucks, about 25 mins before the doors opened.

To that guy who sold me that ticket. Thank you, your a fucking life saver.
oh shit!!! That was you lol!!! Glad i could help out man :)

One guy ditched us and i was left with an extra ticket and im glad that someone picked it up otherwise i woulda been out 27 bucks.

I thought i somewhat recognized you from your avatar.
Anyone else stick around after the show for a bit and see that drunk guy on the corner singing Maiden, BG, and Manowar songs? That was hysterical...he also launched into California Girls and I lost it...the cops came after about 5 minutes and told him to stop hahaha ;)
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one not into the moshing, didn't wanna seem like a dick. Anyways, I wish I ran into some posters here, though I'm fairly new, would've been cool to meet someone else who posts and reads here, maybe next time though:) Hopefully next time won't be too far away;)
The show was incredible, Symphony X just scorched the place, Pinella and Romeo nailing every solo and Russell singing like a man possessed. The "duel" following the high note in Wicked, a song that gained newfound power live, was classic. Blind Guardian also made for an outstanding event, they had the crowd mesmerized. Met Soul Of Ice and Thorns Of Sorrow before the show, both great guys. I also met Lepond, Pinella, and Allen, who were all incredibly approachable. Can't wait for the headlining tour (I asked Russ if it would happen and he said yes...) As for the senseless ritual known as moshing, I was on the outer edges of the pit a few times during BG's set, and got shoved once, but I wasn't hurt. I did accidentally jump on someone's foot during Sea Of Lies though :)

p.s. Anybody see the guys with the homemade Symphony X masks? Now that's fucking dedication! :)
Originally posted by Demonspell

p.s. Anybody see the guys with the homemade Symphony X masks? Now that's fucking dedication! :)

Holy crap Did I!? I was talking to Lepond when those guys came up with them I think we were both equally blown away when I saw them, They were AWESOME looking too, and I think he ended up getting the whole band to sign them too
Great show, it's so good to see Sy X get the recognition they deserve in their own 'hometown.' Russell is simply the best front man in Metal today. I really hope whoever is booking The World saw the crowd Saturday night. Nearly 1,000 people singing every word of every BG song was quite a sight, especially considering what it takes to even GET some of their albums.

Be lucky you got in at all Christina, they oversold the show and crossed off a bunch of names on the guest lists. Almost no one on the opener's list got in. You may think that's not a big deal. but imagine if it was YOUR band who got to open for BG and SyX and your friends/family couldn't get in.

Come back soon guys...and thanks for the music.