Axe-FX for teh brootalz

damn! that kicks ass :kickass:

you Axe-Fx guys are killing me. i'm gonna wind up selling half my shit for one of those damn things.
God damnit.....I hate you! You're making me considering the axe-fx for recording. What makes it worse is that they go for 1500 dollars in the usa, but for 1700 euro here in europe. Ripping us off.
Br00talz this is not, but pretty cool - I agree it's a bit muffled, but while it has a cool character that *almost* could convince me it's a real amp and mic'ed cab, there's still something a bit fuzzy about the palm mutes that I've heard in all AxeFX clips that doesn't convince me. Yes Jocke, I know you think it's all placebo since I know in advance that it's an AxeFX, and if I were told it actually was a 5150 and Diezel through a mic'ed cab you think I would believe it, but I'd like to think I'm a pretty open-minded guy when it comes to digital modeling (I'm 22, hardly old enough to be a stodgy geezer clinging to the analog days :D), and I feel like I'd still think something was slightly amiss in a blind test! Anyway, it's certainly more than good enough for any recording (well, not this particular clip, but that's cuz as I mentioned it's muffled ;)), but it's that extra 5% that I still feel keeps it from fooling me!
Br00talz this is not, but pretty cool - I agree it's a bit muffled, but while it has a cool character that *almost* could convince me it's a real amp and mic'ed cab, there's still something a bit fuzzy about the palm mutes that I've heard in all AxeFX clips that doesn't convince me. Yes Jocke, I know you think it's all placebo since I know in advance that it's an AxeFX, and if I were told it actually was a 5150 and Diezel through a mic'ed cab you think I would believe it, but I'd like to think I'm a pretty open-minded guy when it comes to digital modeling (I'm 22, hardly old enough to be a stodgy geezer clinging to the analog days :D), and I feel like I'd still think something was slightly amiss in a blind test! Anyway, it's certainly more than good enough for any recording (well, not this particular clip, but that's cuz as I mentioned it's muffled ;)), but it's that extra 5% that I still feel keeps it from fooling me!

Well, I don't think its fair to compare this to a real amp, when it was direct out recorded. Hook it up to a real cab and mic that, and it might be a whole different ballgame. I have yet to hear a mic'ed up Axe-FX though, so I don't know. Just saying, when using the direct out recording feature it is basically an impulse recording.

Then we get the axe-fx vs. real amp + impulse comparison...and I'm not sure who would win that one.
Yeah, I'll admit I'd probably be pretty much convinced if it were an AxeFX through a good tube power amp and cab, but then honestly what would be the point? Some might say versatility, but I for one don't need versatility, I need one good high gain sound that delivers the goods, and if I want another, I'll get another amp! (and since you can get a 5150 and a Dual Rec used for ~$1700 US, that's not much more than an AxeFX and should easily cover the tonal needs of any metalhead)
(and since you can get a 5150 and a Dual Rec used for ~$1700 US, that's not much more than an AxeFX and should easily cover the tonal needs of any metalhead)
I'll try to mic the thing though my Peavey 50/50 poweramp and Mesa 4x12 one day and see if I can do better. I doubt that. Not because the unit is so great, but my micing skills suck so much.

If someone can point me to a clip of a mic'd real amp with a good tone? I can try to get close to that one.
Yeah, I'll admit I'd probably be pretty much convinced if it were an AxeFX through a good tube power amp and cab, but then honestly what would be the point? Some might say versatility, but I for one don't need versatility, I need one good high gain sound that delivers the goods, and if I want another, I'll get another amp! (and since you can get a 5150 and a Dual Rec used for ~$1700 US, that's not much more than an AxeFX and should easily cover the tonal needs of any metalhead)

Here we go again...

Let's face it, at the age of 22 you've become a cork sniffing stodgy geezer clinging on to the analogue days.
I did not want to start the usual digital/analog-war here again. I love real tube amps and think that there's no alternative to them.
But on the other side, adjustable poweramp sag, damping, bright-capacitor value and speaker drive are as fascinating to me (if they sound good) as a simple tube amp that sounds great although it just has a tone- and a volume-knob.