Don't know. I used an AxeFx Ultra to record an EP 2 months ago and I think it's a fantastic live digital amp but not so user-friendly in a studio situation. Yes you've to learn it and you need practice, but personally I find way easier dialing a good tone with an amp and a mic. It's very boring to navigate through a display, switching pages, hundreds of simulation, pedals, etc...I mean, there are lot of things and it's positive but with too many things the risk is to have too many options to choose.
In fact, we spent 2 hours to dial a tone that wasn't very good and when I go back home I reamped it, finding a good tone in 10 minutes.
This is clearly a "learning curve" situation, but in studio I think you'll end up to use the few presets you did after many at the end it will not be so different than using a real amp you know.