AXP Flextron (free amp sim)


About a month ago I have released a new free VST amp sim, the Flextron:

It is based on Crate Flexwave amp series and VOX Cooltron low-voltage tube circuit model. It's got embedded reverb and cab sim, which of course can be bypassed. In general it's a very flexible high-gain amp with some nice break-up tones as well.

This piece of software was made for KVR Audio Developer Challenge 2014 which ends today! So if you'd like to support freeware developers, there's still time to have a look at a couple of entries and vote for those you like.

And here is a short sound sample:
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Nice job, will try it out asap!
Glad to see another russian dev doing great stuff in the DSP world. Makes me feel guilty for not finding time to read through vst sdk docs.
i made a quick demo with Flextron (ext impulse)

... (yes this is a single coil in there)
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