B & Q are proper bastards like


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
they have never said a bloody word to me and today after i get my new nose ring, they make me take all my piercings out - i felt like theyd stripped me but naked and made me wash the floor or something......its a fucking infringement on personal preference and rights.....fucking bastards. they make you sit in a box room watching training vids about the importance of diversity and then months down th eline they decide to strip you of you identity. plus standing there with gapping holes in my face and no jewellery just looks shit, and its fucking embarrassing when you have to serve people with facial peircings.....i had to sellout for a corporate DIY store.....

......today i feel like half a human :(
That's just dumb and sad, really.

Who said the youth of today had no real problems to deal with?

Stripped you of your identity! Come on.

Diversity equals wearing certain jewelry, sigh.

Your identity lying in jewelry?

Selling out because you're not wearing your piercings?

You're the company's outward face, of course they have a right to lay down certain not very drastic demands to your appearance.

If the whole thing meant that much to you, why the hell didn't you quit?

Besides, piercings are ugly, but that of course, is just my taste, no real importance oin that.
But Allan, don't forget you're over twenty-one, ah ah, nooow your animal's gone.

When I was in my late teens, my metal identity was very important for me. Well, it still is, to a certain extent, but it's become inward.
blackeyed said:
i had to sellout for a corporate DIY store.....
I probably wouldn't call it "selling out" because your identity consists of so much more than only piercings. I think I understand though how you feel. When I worked in a theatre, they told me to put on make-up - I usually never wear any because I don't feel comfortable with it at all. So that really bugged me... I hated it... the fact that people tell you what to look like in order to "fit in", whether you feel comfortable with it or not.
That's the thing though. You work to live, not live to work so you've got to follow their uniform rules...however, if there is nothing in the official handbook about piercings you could make a bit of a fuss...is it worth it though. Or
You could get a job in a HMV/Waterstone's or the like because they don't give a flop what you wear.
Dhatura said:
But Allan, don't forget you're over twenty-one, ah ah, nooow your animal's gone.

When I was in my late teens, my metal identity was very important for me. Well, it still is, to a certain extent, but it's become inward.

Outward identity? Or just metal identity? I don't get it, maybe I will when I'm approaching 30 or whenever. Don't think I thought I did either when I was 18.

Sorry for the harshness in my first post though, just touched upon a sore spot of mine, hate when people raise petty issues to be all important bla bla bla, no focus left for the big issues and that and that and that.
Oooh, I thought this outward-inward thingy might turn out to sound stupid. What I meant was that at 18 it was important for me to express I wasn't a disco-cat, I was proud I didn't listen to radioshit and went to concerts instead. Now it's not important to express it in my clothing, I no more overhear comments like "Have you seen her jeaaaans? :O"

But music's still important and it's part of me, my identity, and I'm still proud, and I tend to share the "same wavelength" with people who listen to those kinds of music that I listen to.

One of my friends said the other day he hates when people say as they get older "I'm not a metalhead any more, I don't even listen to metal." He said he'll never say that, he'll always be a metalhead. Maybe I'll also be a metalhead until I die, regardless of the music I listen to or the way I look :)
" Maybe I'll also be a metalhead until I die, regardless of the music I listen to or the way I look "

exactly! i don't feel the need to express that through clothing anymore, though it was different when i was young...well i still wear band shirts, but i have the feeling that's starting to be a little ridiculous too....
ooooo allan ya big bitching bitch lol. i was just ranting :lol: i think snow2fall hit the nail on the head, its when people tell you how to look so you can fit in better, like you werent good enough the first time round or whatever. and as for you first post, calm it, i was exaggerating in the first post, its the way my humour goes.
Su Jacko said:
What aspect of your life would still be metalhead?

My bathroom :oops:

I don't get expressing yourself through your clothes, never did. I don't know many people who share my taste in music, at least not completely, why I came here in the firt place actually. And I don't think I ever was a metalhead, there was always White Lion when there was Manowar, Bon Jovi when there was Paradise Lost, and Dire Straits wen there's Anathema and Antimatter and so on and so on.

I'm running into goth a lot these days, saw 2 groups of them at work the other day, first a whole bunch dressed in Cradle of Filth shirts and long leather coats, all black, girls with black lipstick and that, strange thing was they were nice and really enjoyable people. Then i saw this girl with this coffin shaped bag with cross on, ridiculous all that.
Allan said:
I don't get expressing yourself through your clothes, never did. I don't know many people who share my taste in music, at least not completely, why I came here in the firt place actually. And I don't think I ever was a metalhead, there was always White Lion when there was Manowar, Bon Jovi when there was Paradise Lost, and Dire Straits wen there's Anathema and Antimatter and so on and so on.

I'm running into goth a lot these days, saw 2 groups of them at work the other day, first a whole bunch dressed in Cradle of Filth shirts and long leather coats, all black, girls with black lipstick and that, strange thing was they were nice and really enjoyable people. Then i saw this girl with this coffin shaped bag with cross on, ridiculous all that.
why do goths wear cradle shirts? What happened to dear Bauhaus or Sisters of Mercy. I have even heard people callin Manson goth :confused:
They laugh at me when i post on some of the heavier forums, because in my avatar they think i look more like a cheer leader, than someone who listens to a wide range of music, just cos i dont wear goth lookin shit and cobwebs for earings dosent mean i dont like going to see Led zep and Iron maiden, though i havent seen iron maiden :) anyway do you know what i'm saying :erk: i suppose i am not your run of the mill follow my leader too, metal head :D
The "metal-look" or "goth-look" or whatever look may be nice at first, since it attracts similarly looking people (you're a walking advertisement for your own taste in music or subculture) with whom you (hope to) share something. However, when you get older and meet more and more people outside of these circles (in a job for instance), the looks become limitations. A lot of people think you're "that kind" and that's it. In order to express yourself more fully, getting rid of the "look" may be of help. Human nature is versatile, don't fix yourself.