B & Q are proper bastards like

hmm ... then i am a gothpunkhippiemetalgungesomething ... i wear that what i want and how i feel at the morning. Here are a lot of people that try to identify themselves with clothes ... but if you talk to them ... they do not know much about the Music they try to identify with with their clothes. But thats just a minor group i hope.

I prefere people who does not matter what clothes they or any other wear.
I am glad that there are some that think the same way.

Dhatura said:
Allan, you never bought a band t-shirt for yourself?

I bought a Queen shirt when I was 13 and a Guns'n Roses shirt about the same time, the GNR was just because I like the colours, never liked them much. Oh and the Youthanasia shirt, but that was because I liked the cover of that. And I always felt like an idiot wearing them, except the Queen shirt of course.
Dhatura said:
Dunno, I'm still attracted to those who like non-poppish music. I'm a snobbbbbbb :D
yes, same snobbbbbb here :)

but i don't dress as "different" as i used to, because i don't want to explain myself to curious people all the time ("you look like you...." yes, so what? just shut up and let me be)
scream Allan, just let it go, it's not your fault, you're gonna be alright...
See that's exactly wat puzzles me about psychologists, they always tell people stuff isn't their fault, of course it is, they're the ones that are miserable, like. Hand them prozac, make them believe nothing is their fault and praise psychology, very harmful in the end, I think. Living in denial and that.

And i only feel like screaming when listening to Manowar or Iron Maiden.
it was not your fault THEN, but since you think it still IS you get into trouble

so stop thinking it was your fault THEN and take responsibility of your life NOW

does that make you feel better?
I feel fine, have for a while, since I started taking responsibility for my past, instead of denying responsibility for it and constantly lying to myself. I don't see how it's possible to accept responsibility for your life now, if you deny responsibility for your past. It's all or nothing.
with past i mean childhood and parents being responsible

problems may occur there, like you said
im not a metal head at all. i dont even listen to metal (much) im far more for the 80 electro synth scene, so, my piercings are representative of my music tastes, im not trying to be a certain type or whatever, i just like them, i think they look nice, i take pride in them ffs, so it pisses me off when people try to take it off me. end of.
It's bizarre. 5 years ago you'd have been called all kinds for a pierced eyebrow but now every Tom, Dick and scally has one. Also hair colour...scouse mums with all the colours of the rainbow that would have been frowned upon, by the same type of scalls. It's the same with combats and band t-shirts, (metal t-shirts in top shop!!). :erk:
Su Jacko said:
It's bizarre. 5 years ago you'd have been called all kinds for a pierced eyebrow but now every Tom, Dick and scally has one. Also hair colour...scouse mums with all the colours of the rainbow that would have been frowned upon, by the same type of scalls. It's the same with combats and band t-shirts, (metal t-shirts in top shop!!). :erk:
ah tell me about it, i was in open the other day trying to find a pair of decent converse and low and behold an iron maiden tshirt...was a bit puzzled like, how will they wear it with a lacoste trackie???