Babes of bloodstock

Final Sunset

New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2003
Did any one else just how many fit goth chciks attended this years festival and just how many of them had boyfriends! What a bummer...

Especially the chick in the short dark green dress....

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Yeah, me and my mates agreed she was the hottest girl there, altho there was plenty of competition. (Which was also good)

Hmmm... anyone notice a girl in a bloodstock teeshirt, velvet trousers and a studded leather belt? well she was very hot... actually she was my girlfriend. So that also means I'm not allowed to look, if I did, it would be called Bloodstock for a reason!
Delta 9 said:
But frankly, Tarja was the prettiest and most beautiful woman around... gotta admit, what a lady...

:worship: She is nice but the chick in the dark green dress blew her away. :worship:

Baletempest said:
Inveys singer was smokeing hot

And didn't Metal Hammer's photographer know it, ignoring every other band at the after show.

Not that I'm bitter... :p
madgirl said:
my bf was quite pleased to spend his entire time at the festival lookin at me and kissing me :D not that im smug or owt.

he didnt even notice/remember taz in her underwear. !! to busy FEELING mine :p

Don't worry, I kept her busy anyway! :p