babies attempt to eat a live baby! (story inside!)


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA,,30200-12863870,00.html


A one-year-old boy has been bitten 30 times by a group of more than a dozen other babies at a nursery in Croatia.

Frane Simic was covered in a series of deep bite wounds all over his body, including his face.

He was attacked after the class nanny stepped out of the room to change another baby's nappy.

Dr Sime Vuckov, head of the hospital in Rijeka which treated the boy, said: "Biting between young children is not uncommon.

"But I have never seen anything like this."

Police have launched an inquiry into the biting frenzy but admit they are clueless as to the babies' reasons for attacking.

Dr Vuckov warned that while the wounds were expected to heal, the trauma suffered by Frane may leave permanent mental scars on the boy and his parents.

He said: "Our psychologist has evaluated the boy and we will continue to monitor him and provide any type of assistance so that he can overcome the trauma as soon as possible."

Frane's father said he is considering suing the nanny in charge of the class.
do you guys think that this baby emits some sort of special hormone/chemical from it's body that temporarily transforms humans into cannibals?

or maybe a mad scientist discovered this cannibal hormone/chemical and rubbed it over poor little frane simic's face as an experiment?

i'm trying to find some sort of explantion here.
wow i wonder if that biter kid is totally missing some extremely important part of his brain. maybe his entire amygdala is missing! someone get that kid in an MRI stat.
"biter kid?"

it's "biter KIDS!" plural! and more than a dozen of them too! this is what makes this incident so amazing.

either babies somehow possess the ability to communicate/plot evil schemes in groups (cannibalistic ones!) or maybe frane simic is extremely appetizing looking to babies (aka they failed to mention that frane simic's head is deformed and is actually shaped exactly like an enormous pacifier.)
wow i thought it was only one kid doing the biting! MISREAD.

wow what a phenomena. i guess maybe it's riot mentality. wayyyy early.
i wonder if this is a more common phenom than it seems.

it's also unnerving in light of recently rewatching RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD and the "getting eaten alive by old men" fantasy joke.

i mean, is there a difference?
but they SHOULD have been...

and as the babies' cooking skills develop...
