
Ok so Babymetal has gone all serious now? This song sounds like a DT or Circus Maximus song. If this had Eriksen or Labrie singing on it people round here would be doing cartwheels. In fact with the new CM not being up to scratch, maybe the main writers need to give the Babymetal writers a call!

As I have aged, I have realized over the years, that my personality is about 1/3 metal-head (my music preference,) 1/3 country-boy (my lifestyle as I live in the sticks on five acres) and 1/3 hippie (my overall view on life and how to treat others.) I think those girls are adorable. It is "fun" music and nothing more. Who knows, though. This type of stuff might be the seed that plants young people into real metal heads. There is much more good to this than bad is the way I see it.

Get past the weirdness of mashing JPop with metal, and it works far better than it should. Certainly more accessible to a western audience than most Japanese metal bands. Gotta give props to whoever put this together.
Ok so Babymetal has gone all serious now? This song sounds like a DT or Circus Maximus song. If this had Eriksen or Labrie singing on it people round here would be doing cartwheels. In fact with the new CM not being up to scratch, maybe the main writers need to give the Babymetal writers a call!

LOL! Sadly, I must agree. This song is a better symphonic/prog metal song then anything on the new CM. Killer melody too.

And Baby Metal made the COVER of this month's Metal Hammer!

Baby Hammer.jpg

Crushing haters. LOL!
Yet, we don't have a problem when Arjen Anthony Luccasen puts something together, which is pretty much most of his projects. If it works, who cares, really.
Not quite the same since Arjen is also the instrumentalist for much of his work. He's not a third party throwing things at a band to see what sticks, which is the implication above.
As a guy in my mid forties.....I find the whole thing a little disturbing to be honest. The combination of the fact that this is manufactured product and the fact that it's being lapped up in a similar way to the Spice Girls or One Direction in the pop world.

Each to their own I guess......