Speak of the Dead...


Mar 18, 2002
I recently purchased the limited edition version of this Rage CD while in Japan. I put it into my laptop and the only file my computer finds is the video for No Fear. I can not find the music files anywhere on the disc. Even using DOS to search the disc yields the same results.

Anybody else having this problem? Or, do I need to do something special to have my computer show the files? I do not have access to a stand alone CD player, only my computer - so is that the only way to play the music files?

Please advise...
I may be just talkin out my ass, but sounds like the CD is multi-formatted. If you pop one of those in a computer, it will normally only look at the data stuff, which is that video. If you pop that CD into a regular CD player, it should find the audio tracks. The computer can access them too, just use a program like nero or something... not the DOS prompt, hehe
Thanks trentdk, I had the same feeling about the mutli-format thing. Due to my current location, the items you mentioned available to me (CD-player, NERO, Real Player) are pretty slim - that's why I was using a DOS prompt to see what it would show me. I basically have the DVD player in my laptop - and that's it.

I just wanted to see if anyone was having this problem.

Thanks for the input...
Try this:

Turn off your computer. Turn it on, and put the CD in while the computer is posting. Make sure the CD is loaded before the Windows screen comes up.

Basically, your loading the disc before windows, and thus, what you are doing is preventing Windows from reading the disc, and loading any auto-play scripts, or any copyright protection nonsense or wahtever. No go to my computer > find your CD Drive, Right click it click EXPLORE, and it SHOULD do it.. *NOTE: This Trick WORKS for CD's with Copyright Protection Software, this is the common way to get around being able to copy the CD onto your computer, most notable the new Rolling Stones and Backstreet Boys CD's have been documented as being tough to *crack*, this is the easiest most common way of bypassing the copy protection)

If to no avail, repeat, only instead of exploring it, open windows media player, and open it through there.

You could always get WINAMP PRO (pm me *cough*), and try ripping the disc through that, and get it to MP3 for playback.

Good luck
J-Dubya 777 said:
right clicking on my computer, and then clicking on explore doesn't show the audio tracks? Is the drive set for auto play?


No it doesn't, just the mpeg file and the autorun script. This is a work laptop, so I do not have the proper clearence to change any of the settings such as auto-play.
urinalcakemix said:
Try this:

Turn off your computer. Turn it on, and put the CD in while the computer is posting. Make sure the CD is loaded before the Windows screen comes up.

Basically, your loading the disc before windows, and thus, what you are doing is preventing Windows from reading the disc, and loading any auto-play scripts, or any copyright protection nonsense or wahtever. No go to my computer > find your CD Drive, Right click it click EXPLORE, and it SHOULD do it.. *NOTE: This Trick WORKS for CD's with Copyright Protection Software, this is the common way to get around being able to copy the CD onto your computer, most notable the new Rolling Stones and Backstreet Boys CD's have been documented as being tough to *crack*, this is the easiest most common way of bypassing the copy protection)

If to no avail, repeat, only instead of exploring it, open windows media player, and open it through there.

You could always get WINAMP PRO (pm me *cough*), and try ripping the disc through that, and get it to MP3 for playback.

Good luck

OK, I did as you said and put the CD in while the computer was posting. Well, exploring the CD again just shows the mpeg file. However, when I start Media Player and hit "play" it starts the songs instead of the video. So I guess it worked...
