Back for some time


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
31 you guys have probably heard I've been in some sort of a boarding school called Adanim and I really hate being there and I really want to return home, permanently. Unfortunately I must remain there due to a judicial decree. The decree means I must remain in that place or the staff of that place will alert the police and the court will be aware that I violated the decree. That would complicate things for me and therefore I don't want to do it that way. So right now my lawyer have sent a request to the referee in order to cancel or remove that decree. When and if that decree is removed or canceled I can then return home without worrying about anything. If the request to cancel or remove the decree is denied then I would have to wait until the next judicial discussion at the court in 14/6(in about 2 months).

If you guys would like to know a little more about the place that I'm at, go to this link.

Currently I have a little holiday vacation and I'm gonna be home for about 9 days or so, so you'll see me much more active in recent days than before and I'm very happy to be back on this great forum. I definitely missed you all and I believe that at least some of you here have missed me as well.

See ya all around the forum!
