
Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina

It is because of this video that is decree that all bands should do a "making of" video for every album that they ever do. i would much rather see one for RIP than youthenasia. but still cool. I would like to thank the lads in EVILE for taking the initiative and doing it anyway before the law was in place.
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Just thought I'd slide this question in here: who does the spealking part in "Dawn Patrol?" It Doesn't sound like Dave at all.
Ahhh the Evolver video. Bloody marvelous documentry, seen it a billion times and I never get bored of it.

The entire thing is up on Youtube now if people wanna watch the full film.
I quite enjoyed that I must say, we have it on VHS at our rehearsal place. Its a good album "Youthanasia", different but good in its own way :kickass: