Back from the tour!


Skyfire wants you!
Nov 27, 2001
Lund, Sweden
Hey guys!

We're back from the tour! It has been 12 days of utter chaos and madness! ;) We all had a great time and experienced some really cool stuff! I don't have time to write it all down now, but I will come back with more stories later!

I'm glad you didn't see the London show Shmeir... hehe.. It was a disaster! :lol:

Thanx a lot for the good company and madness through the tour... and thanks for lending us your extremely talented and devoted drummer...we owe you one :)

Vem glömmer ögonblick som uteserveringen...? Buffalo Grill?

Men tänk ifall Rambo hade blivit översatt Raseri-Tobbe istället?
Appendix: (essential and most used phrases)
It's not for me, it's for you...
Jag såg Arne naken
Kan man ta en rapé?
Kanon (preferebly with Skåne-dialect)
Ok, gentlemen...

To be continued/updated...
Primator said:

Thanx a lot for the good company and madness through the tour... and thanks for lending us your extremely talented and devoted drummer...we owe you one :)

Vem glömmer ögonblick som uteserveringen...? Buffalo Grill?

Men tänk ifall Rambo hade blivit översatt Raseri-Tobbe istället?

Hey Patrik!

Lots of thanks to all of you too! I already miss it all although it feels pretty good to be back home now! :D

Buffalo Grill.. my god.. what a wonderful place! :lol:

Is everything ok with Jocke? Did Henrik find his ticket and passport?

Primator said:
Appendix: (essential and most used phrases)
It's not for me, it's for you...
Jag såg Arne naken
Kan man ta en rapé?
Kanon (preferebly with Skåne-dialect)
Ok, gentlemen...

To be continued/updated...
And in addition to your list...

stargazer said:
Hey Patrik!

Lots of thanks to all of you too! I already miss it all although it feels pretty good to be back home now! :D

Buffalo Grill.. my god.. what a wonderful place! :lol:

Is everything ok with Jocke? Did Henrik find his ticket and passport?


Yeah, it sucks being back at work, I want to go back... :Smug:
Jocke is doing better, Bengtsfors should render no problems. Henke got back his tick but not the pass :ill:, worked out anyway...

BTW, check :p
Yup. Now there's some strange female next to me when I wake up. Weird.
Well glad to hear you guys had a blast and everything went well (minus the Britain gig?). We got a few new faces since you guys left too :D
Now let them say you guys are too much synth!

Glad to hear everything's been going well, which is assuming besides London and the lack of keyboards it went well. You seem like you're still going through the whole rush of it all, so apparently you had a goodtime, I would think. We've managed to hold the fort together here without you somehow.

Welcome home! :headbang:
Indeed. The mp3-player worked, the sound was great, whole set played, everything was really tight (thanks to Buffalo Grill ;)) and Jonas banged his head (thanks to Buffalo Grill again? ;)). What more can you ask for?

Too bad some of those images looked digitally distorted...
Someone threw up over the camera?