Back from vacation...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Went from 85° to 39° in a matter of hours.:cry:

Although my skin may hate the change, I suspect my my liver is grateful. Eight days of Cuba Libres and tequila shots was as much as my liver could handle.

Here's a shot of Tulum for those stuck in Norwayesque conditions.


i think you guys have problems more with the wimmenz in that pic :loco:

where are the pics of the car Greg?
I have no interest in going anywhere warm. I hate sweating. Beaches are only fun when there is good shit to do there (without sweating).
I'm not a huge fan of the warm either. I'm gonna have a bit of a climate shock next week. I'm going from Germany, to Israel (it was in the 90s-100s recently). And then back home.
LOL @ the forum.

Mexico isn't hot in March... which is why we go. No real sweating involved. March in Mexico is actually more comfortable than the east coast during the summer.

Almost all the time I spend at the beach I spend under the shade of a beach umbrella, as the crystal clear blue water rolls in and out, watching the beautiful senoritas (occasionally topless) stroll by, reading/listening to the iPod, and being served drinks. If that's not paradise, I don't know what it is.

@ lurch... assuming all goes well, I'll be picking it up tomorrow night.

whats "warm"?

maximum 20 degrees or its like torture for me. I'm quite happy going to the north sea and havign to wear a sweatshirt. And I don't like just lazing around, I#d rather go do something. Biking, skiing, hiking, checking out old buildings/ruins.

Hell, I'd find going and working on a freiland farm more fun.
whats "warm"?
It's different for everyone. I find Mexico's February/March February weather perfect; 85° with a nice breeze during the day, 70° - 75° at night. Sorry, I have no idea what that translates to in that silly celsius thing you guys use. :loco:

I#d rather go do something. Biking, skiing, hiking, checking out old buildings/ruins.
That's just plain crazy.

Hell, I'd find going and working on a freiland farm more fun.
Have you considered seeking professional help for this mental disorder?

I love the seaside and beaches are great places to chill out on the early morning or the evening, just walking a length of coast ankle-deep in the water. But I stay away from beaches as soon as there are more than five towels and three screaming kids per hectare.
yeah ... my next home will 100% be near some type of water (ocean, lake, black sea) ... and I mean like on the shore.

fuck cold weather and winter ...