Back from vacation...

oh all of you shut up! honestly, chilling on a beach like that is fantastic. i hate summers and sweating and all of that shit, but there are places where warm weather is absolutely the greatest thing imaginable. go to greece, italy... its phenomenal.

I dunno, I grew up on the ocean, spent a ton of time on a beach and found it terribly NOT FUN in the summer. I prefer lakes/rivers or being offshore (snorkeling), snorkeling with the waves isn't fun.

In the spring and fall the beach is quite nice, theres also nobody there which is a plus.

What can I say, some people like some things, others don't. The assumption that we're holding to some strange "black metal principle" of liking the cold is retarded, and I know a ton of people who are the same.
I dunno, I grew up on the ocean, spent a ton of time on a beach and found it terribly NOT FUN in the summer.
I can't speak for the beaches by you. However, I've spent my entire life 45 minutes from the Jersey shore (where a surprising number of people vacation) and it never did anything for me. Comparing 99% of the world's beaches to the beaches in the Caribbean is really apples/oranges. The weather is ideal and the water is just stunning to look at.

What can I say, some people like some things, others don't.

The assumption that we're holding to some strange "black metal principle" of liking the cold is retarded, and I know a ton of people who are the same.
I'm fairly certain that if there was an RC beach party, in mid-July, half this forum would show up in corpse paint. :loco:

well good for them, they're "special". :)

And BC has some pretty great beaches, but more for the surfer types. And I hate being idle, quite simply put, I want to have fun, and that isn't lieing around doing "fuck all".
awesome Jason ... this is exactly what I'd like in my backyard.

Thanks. Yeah, the birds down here are amazing - and I'm fortunate enough to be right smack in the middle of the migratory patters of some of the largest and rarest ones. Pictured above are a Great Blue Heron, a Wood Stork (currently endangered) and a Great Egret. I see them so often that it's easy to take them for granted, but I never do. When they glide over the land with their giant wingspans at full length, they are downright majestic to observe.

As for the lake, I see plenty of people fishing in there. I haven't tried yet in the two years I've been down here, but it looks very tranquil (though I'd probably prefer to just go boating and bask in the surroundings).
I only totally love beaches at night, not sure why.

I love hot and cold weather, which is why I like the fact that seasons change things up a bit. Plus living near the desert the temperature drops up to 40 degrees every night, something I'm so used to that the east coast freaked me out when the days were 56° and the nights were 53°. Variety kicks ass.

Even if I only visit the ocean/beach once or twice a year, I can't see myself not living somewhere close (as in, within a hundred miles or so) to the sea, I'm not sure why. Probably read the Silmarillion too much.