Background story for Eddie

God Sweat

New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2002
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Silly topic I suppose but I'll give it a try.

If it were up to you to create a video game or comic featuring the Eddie character, what kind of background story would you give him?

Mine would be that he's a monster created like Frankenstein who happens to work part time as a metal radio disc jockey. He's a big celebrity in the sense that everyone knows his voice yet no one has ever actually seen him.

And he kills people!:devil:
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he's your average guy who was hired by a local metal band to wear make-up and pretend he was some monster. once during a show he fell from the stage, hit his head and fell into a coma.
now he's "technically" in a coma at the hospital, but his desire for greater glory sent his spirit out to haunt concert halls and clubs where heavy metal bands play. he kills pretty girls and laughs mirthlessly while doing so.

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eddie is... a male prostitute who doesnt know his parents, dresses as a female stweart, fought in many american civil conflict, lures ppl into his room and kilsl them, works at a marina, flies a plane, and tried to fly on wax wings while killing indians, but fell and died young with his boots on... then came back to life after being stored at rue morgue?

uhhh and hes got a few otehr credentials too...
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Eddie was just a regular bloke that liked 'hard rock' and going to clubs until he heard Iron Maiden and it scared the bejeebers out of him- just look at the picture on the front cover of Iron Maidens first album- he's scared shitless!
Iron Maiden took pity on him, and made him their bitch to spread the word about Iron Maiden and make them the most popular, kick-ass band of the 80's. This wasn't a bad gig for Eddie, by listening to IM he was able to get powers to time travel and picked up a ton of frequent flier miles.
Unfortunately with the wear and tear of time travel, his health has deteriorated, so much so that now he is really just a spirit in the sky. And will remain that way until Iron Maiden brings him back to life with a new album and a reinvigorating dose of Maiden Metal!
C'mon Steve and lads, help a brother out!:p
Happy landings Eddie!
asphyXy said:
maiden's roadie died and they didn't feel like getting another, so they let the corpse hang around.

This is the best story!!!

I was thinking of writing a novel about Eddie's history, but I decided a quarter second later that I couldn't be fucked. It would have been crap anyway.
no music is not all about the image atall. if it was all about the immage then no one would listen to black metal because they look like dics. but black metal rules. immage is nothing little man