A story that I'm working on...

Sounds like fun...
in school last year,almost everyone made fun of the teachers but it's not like anyone did anything about it...particularly the teachers...
Oh,and about that story of mine about the werewolf,we had to read our story and display the picture to go w/it in front of the class.It was like a contest.I didn't win(damn basterds:( ),one of my friends did,her story was about a sea monster in someone's basement or something like that.I guess I was a bit too sick and twisted for them back them...and I still am,too.In that school,we didn't celebrate Halloween(because that was a holiday of the devil when evil spirits roamed the earth or something),we celebrated All Saint's Day...I have the feeling that I've related all of this to you before:confused:.
I guess that school didn't want little children to be "brainwashed"by ideas of ghosts and goblins and ceclbrating Halloween because "Halloween is the devil's holiday".That wanted to fight it w/something holy and good like All Saint's Day.That was this big project where we had to do a report on some saint and then on Nov.1st,we'd dress up as the saint we did a report on and there would be this sort of parade thing where we'd all walk thur the church and around the school...believe me,it WAS as bad as it sounds...I'd rather rot my teeth on candy and be corrupted by ghosts and goblins any day.
Recovering Catholic in denial.
In 8th grade,I did a report on the origin of Halloween and it's actually a Druid custom or something(trick-or-treating)to keep the evil spirits away.So all of the stuff they told us was lies to make their own explanations for things seem more legitamate...but I'm just not going to talk about religion anymore because I don't fucking feel like it.
In about 7th grade,I had a guy friend who's mother practiced Wicca and he lent me a book on it.That stuff IS pretty interesting. I tried to explain Wicca to my mother(you can perdict that didn't go over too well)before I'd really read anything on it.Then I read that book and found out that Wicca is the worship of nature(that I knew before,though)and that a lot of the ideas of the Wicca religion are like the Commandments to the Catholics.My mother assumed that it's all "evil"and"Satan worshipping"...of course she assumes that ANYTHING which doesn't involve god is that way.For now I'm not looking into Wicca,though.I'm perfectly okay not worshipping anything at all.I don't understand the concept of worshipping anything at all.
Though I would like to study paganism because it does sound interesting.
I'm really into the supernatural.I've read lots of books on the kind of stuff and that's an almost constant theme in most(if not all)of my stories.Vampires,ghosts,witchcraft,etc.Very interesting topic.
oh hell yeah, for the past 17 year i've ben interested in the supernatural, heh heh heh. . . read about a million horror books, seen the movies, even STUDIED it for extended periods of time. . . i've only recently begun studying the religious implications of the supernatural. hell, if you believe in ANY god of supreme being(s), then you HAVE to believe in the supernatural! so i'd say that it's a pretty damn important subject in the world of today and past-history!
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
hell, if you believe in ANY god of supreme being(s), then you HAVE to believe in the supernatural!
That makes sense.Most ppl think that I'm morbid and evil because I'm so into supernatural stuff,ghosts,vampires,gothic horror movies,witchcraft,etc.I guess that if I have an opinion any different than everyone else,I will always be misunderstood.I know that's all total crap,so you don't have to bother telling me
By the way,the story's coming along well.I've got about 8 pages done so far.
When I was in high school (catholic too) I did an important english assignment on Wicca (free subject, i was into Wicca for a while already)
But I did the assignment with a couple of friends who weren´t into Wicca at all, all they knew was what I "teached" them
So the day we had to present the assignment in front of the class (speaking a couple of hours about it and making it interesting for the others by letting them do things as well and stuff) it became very obvious that I was the only one that really knew what she was talking about,
so the teacher asked me and I ´admitted´ it...
Even in catholic school and with parents like mine??? (They think wiccais all bullshit and satanworshipping too while satan is only an `invention´ of Catholics/christians and has nothing to do with Wicca!)
Wicca and other religions like that are so misunderstood.Just because they don't involve a "God"(I'm not sure if there are dieties or not)and are about the worship of nature,all of the Catholics,Christians,etc.assume that it's all Satan-worshipping and pagan(and that pagan is a bad thing)even though most Wiccans don't even believe in Satan.But.like I said,I don't involve myself in any type of religion or worship anything.I attempted to explain Satanism to my mother as "not the worship of Satan because Satan doesn't even exist"but she immidietley blew me off saying "I don't wanna hear anything about this."
BTW,the story's doing very good.I'm at about 10pgs. but I think it's pretty much over.I'm not too sure about the rest of it.And I'm wondering if I should give the guy a name.If I was to continue the rest of the story,he would have to have a name...but I'm not sure about what kind of name I'd give him.
Not to kiss your ass again, Darkie, but I like this one too. Very good.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Wicca and other religions like that are so misunderstood.Just because they don't involve a "God"(I'm not sure if there are dieties or not)and are about the worship of nature...

I hope this wont dissapoint you: there are deities involved with Wicca, although you should not take this TOO strictly
Here is a text I used to have at my website, I hope you won't be bored coz its rather long...


Once upon a time, a long time ago, there were people who believed in
laughter, joy and love. They believed in many deities, but the most
important to them was their Great Mother Goddess. They believed in
and lived with the powers of Nature. They reveled in the Wind, the
Rain, the Snow and the Sunlight. They marveled at and revered the
changing of the seasons and saw therein great excitement and wisdom to
be gained. They knew that if they tended, cared for and loved the
Earth, in return She would provide for, care for and love them. They
saw that all around them the world was filled with Life, much as their
own but in many different and wonderful forms. They felt the life of
the flowers, plants and trees and respected them for that life
essence. They looked about and observed all the many types of animals
and saw that they were kindred to them and loved them. They felt and
observed the great Love of the Goddess all about them and knew kinship
with the Moon. They were practioners of The Old Religion, worshipers
of The Great Mother.

Witch! The very word instantly invokes visions for each of us,
visions which vary greatly from individual to individual. Many of
these visions, however, are quite false, brought about by many
centuries of severe persecutions, mis-representations, prejudice and,
in recent years, lack of knowledge. Witchcraft! What is it really?

Witchcraft is the oldest, most irrepressible religion in the world
because it stimulates the intellect, promotes a simple, practical way
of life and, most importantly, is emotionally satisfying. Its roots
lie in the ancient Matriarchal systems of Goddess worship. A religion
of Nature in which the primary deity is female (The Essence of
Femininity, The Earth Mother, The Great Mother, etc.).
Where's that shithead that had the negative comments last time when we need him?