Dan Korneff
- Dec 14, 2009
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How 'bout two physical hard drives in RAID1 configuration? Data is stored on both drives simultaneously and identically, so if one drive dies you have the exact copy...
This is a good option for daily work, but is not going to be practical for the long term. Not sure how much data you run thru, but I'm eating up about 1TB per month in recorded data. In a matter of 3 months, I'd use up even the largest size drives available these days. In the DAW world, you want your rig to run fast, and your backups to be plenty
I'm running a RAID 0 on my rig for speed. Track counts get high, so I can't function without it. You should have at least 1 "clone" of your operating system just in case you have system failure.
As for your recorded data, I recommend doing an "incremental backup" at the end of each day to an external drive. That not only makes your backups shorter as you progress in your project (only backing up "new" data) but it also allows you to restore your project at any given point in the recording process. I'm using Retrospect for this task. Pretty much been the standard in recording studio for as long as I can remember.
The one thing that is a pain in the butt about Incremental backups is that it backs up to a proprietary format that requires extras steps to restore your data... it's not a drag and drop deal. SO... you'll also need to keep a copy of your drive using a basic file synchronization program. This would be good for quick drag and drop access, but only for recent data (which is why you'll need the incremental backup for full security). I have Retrospect backup data automatically at 4AM every day, so I dont even have to think about it. I manually use a file synchronizer at the end of every day.
The last step is that you should aways keep a backup of your backup in a completely different format! Hard drives are great to use, but they have moving parts inside them... which means at some point the unit will fail. For that reason, I also make a DVD backup of each song when I'm done with the project. If you minimize your session to only the final files needed for the song (no additional takes), even the largest 96K session will fit on a 4.7GB dvd. And if not, you can always go Dual Layer.
That should just about do it. All it took was for me to lose some data ONCE before I learned my lesson and adopted this practice.