Bad News And Uh. . . Good. . .News


Author Of Moonwarriors
:ill: It seems that Jon Schaeffer has found a new singer for Iced Earth in Tim Owens. I personally think this is a mistake, because Tim doesn't have that "Iced Earth Sound".

Also, it seems that in the 2003 Summer Supplement catalog
from Century Media it states that "Century Child" is the final album Nightwish with singer Tarja Turnen. :erk:

Since when is she leaving the band?
Don't go Tarja, we love you!!!!!! :yell:

Anyway, just a quick metal update for all you guys and gals \m/

Rusty (ATHALLUS) :wave:
Matt Barlow's accent was far too thick for me, at least on Dark Saga anyway. I think Ripper would fit in very well in the Iced Earth role. Can this man not do anything right or something? Poor bugger!
I just have to say this...I hate Tim Owens!! I think the mans a total arse and if he is definitely joining Iced Earth I shall go into a very sharp decline!! Jon...don't do it...pleeeeaaaase!!!!!
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest!!
It seems that there are some snippets from the new album on the Iced Earth Site...Tim Owens is definitely in..... there are varying opinions (inevitably) ..initially i'm not very happy as i thought Matt's vocals had such an individual charisma that it can't be replaced and having met the man the vocal charisma was also present in his character too.... a really cool friendly guy. I'll wait to hear the album though and if Tim surprises me ....well great ...if he doesn't it will be a shame as i've been an iced earth fan since hearing days of purgatory.... i'll wait on the album though...
sean-intense said:
and having met the man the vocal charisma was also present in his character too.... a really cool friendly guy.

Qualities that from what I've seen or heard Timothy clearly lacks. I will give him the benefit of the doubt though, and maybe he was just a tosser when I saw him because he knew he was getting replaced. Also the sound clips with Tim do sound initially impressive.
Uhmm Ripper the new Iced Earth singer, it should be interesting. I wonder if he will have a pop at Matt like he did with Halford??
As for Tarja and Nightwish, I was surprised to hear that they were touring this year! After the first leg of the Century Child tour last year it was rumoured that the guys were taking a couple of years off from Nightwish to do other stuff, and that Tarja was going back to do her classical studies, and re-train her voice classically. She is also getting married this summer, that's if she's not already married??