Priest reunion good news for Iced Earth?

Dude, that's fucking crazy... I remember going to JP's site awhile back and they were fighting rumors that Halford was joining up.

Nuts man, that's nuts.... Truely a good day for metal man.
I for one would NOT like to see Ripper join Iced Earth. His style is forced and contrived and in my opinion is better suited to nu-metal that Iced Earth. He's just not a good enough singer. Matt raised the bar rather high, so the next guy has to be a damn good singer. Not a mediocre throw-away from another band. Jon should avoid the high profile leftovers and get someone fresh and new.
Whoever replaces Barlow is going to be stepping into big shoes because the expectation is going to be there for them to be the same/better than he was. So a known entity like Owens might be better because he's already had the experience of replacing the unreplaceable. Would an unknown singer be able to step into a pressure situation like that?
Here's my question; why would Ripper want to join Iced Earth? If I was Ripper, here are four questons I'd have to ask myself:

1. I just spent the last few years trying to replace a beloved vocalist, do I really want to do that again?

2. Do I want to work for Jon and be viewed as "replaceable"?

3. Do I want to join a band where I will be able to contibute very little creatively, as I don't expect that Jon is all of a sudden going to have a change of heart and relinquish some of his creative control?

4. Can I make more money fronting my own band or as a non-writing member of Iced Earth?

Regardless of how Owens may answer these questions, I'd rather see an unknown, with a unique sound.

\m/ said:
Your joking right?

Not at all. His growly vocals sound weak. Not heavy at all. Sounds like he's trying too hard to be death metal but he just can't do it. He doesn't have the right tone so it sounds forced. His high notes are okay, but he can't really "sing" very well. Priest went and down tuned some of their classic stuff to accomadate his lack of skill (check out Victim Of Changes on 98 Meltdown). He can hit a high note, sing a bit of mid range melody and that's about it. He doesn't have very good control or much range in his voice. Maybe he could surprise me, after all, he was singing what Glenn told him to, but I doubt it.
Don't get me wrong, I like the albums Ripper did with Priest (Jugulator moreso) but he's better off playing in his Disturbed/Linkin Park cover band.
General Zod said:
Here's my question; why would Ripper want to join Iced Earth? If I was Ripper, here are four questons I'd have to ask myself:

1. I just spent the last few years trying to replace a beloved vocalist, do I really want to do that again?

2. Do I want to work for Jon and be viewed as "replaceable"?

3. Do I want to join a band where I will be able to contibute very little creatively, as I don't expect that Jon is all of a sudden going to have a change of heart and relinquish some of his creative control?

4. Can I make more money fronting my own band or as a non-writing member of Iced Earth?

Excellent points there. He's just been through all that crap from Priest after all.
Ripper was only able to do maybe a tenth of what he was capable of in JP. Get a copy of the first Winters Bane album and you will hear the potential Ripper has. Id rather have Matt back in a second, but Ripper could easily pull off all the older material.

He is never going to make more money in a band of his own than in IE, I cant see Ripper being able to write an album anywhere near the quality of IE. Not to dismiss his writing abilities, but IE is an established band that was going to headline Wacken, im sure they do ok money wise.
Goreripper said:
Excellent points there. He's just been through all that crap from Priest after all.

But he and everyone else knew it would only be a matter of time before Rob came back, I doubt Jon would want to change vocalists just for the hell of it :)
In an interview on friday Ripper said he has solo stuff in the works that sounds old school maidenish, and to not be surprised if you see him fronting a band warming up for priest on their next tour. So to me that could mean the solo shit is for his creative juices to get out. I think the deal is done, and they are waiting to announce it when the halford news blows over.
Iced Earth should get Ripper and write an album in the style of Night Of The Stormrider, fast speed/thrash metal with plenty of big high ear shattering screams from Ripper :)

And because Ripper isn't suited to the mellow stuff like Melancholy, hopefully they won't write any of those kinda boring whiney songs :D