bad news from dreamscape


Sep 20, 2004
Munich / Germany
hi there!
unfortunately something happend...
we are not allowed by our sales division to bring copys of our new album "revoiced" to atlanta before the official publication day! - dreamscape and our company massacre records are very unhappy about that!
we will have a lot of (for free) promotion cd's with us which are including two complete songs of "revoiced" , one complete song of "end of silence" and a lot of samples. :cry:

because of this new cd and the intensive songwriting for the next all new album, klaus - our new drummer - was not able to learn all dreamscape songs that we primary decided to play at progpower. the set we will play now isn't very short... but it isn't as long as it should be. sorry for that! :cry:

best regards!
wolfgang from dreamscape
damn, don't scare a girl like that!!! Thought something happened and you guys weren't going to make it! Thanks for the update and we'll be seeing you in 9 days!!!!!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
No new cd? Shorter set? Hey at least this post isn't announcing a cancellation. Any Dreamscape is better than none at all! Looking forward to seeing the band once again :)
Hey, Wolfgang!
Despite all of the shortcomings, you guys are still pushing to make it over here and perform for us. In addition, you're still making sure we hear something new from you guys in the way of promo discs. As a fan, I really appreciate the effort. I can't wait to see you guys again next week!

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'll second Kitty --- I was so scared that something truly bad had happened and / or this would be a cancellation announcement. Disappointing that we can't pick up the new album early, but will be so great to see you all again !
Since one reason for the shorter set is working on the new album, how about filling the time with new songs?

Also, you have a couple of really awesome ballads that either don't have drums, or at least the drums don't play a big role. That would be awesome too, even if all it was was Roland singing them acapella with the crowd.

Don't mean to be pushy, but I'm a junkie and need my Dreamscape fix.:)
adaher said:
Since one reason for the shorter set is working on the new album, how about filling the time with new songs?

Also, you have a couple of really awesome ballads that either don't have drums, or at least the drums don't play a big role. That would be awesome too, even if all it was was Roland singing them acapella with the crowd.

Don't mean to be pushy, but I'm a junkie and need my Dreamscape fix.:)

Yes - ditto!

I need as much Dreamscape as possible!!!!

:hotjump: :rock: :worship:
adaher said:
Also, you have a couple of really awesome ballads that either don't have drums, or at least the drums don't play a big role. That would be awesome too, even if all it was was Roland singing them acapella with the crowd.

Excellent suggestion!! Since Orphaned Land is doing an acoustic set as well, please feel free to go "unplugged" for a while.

Must have more Dreamscape!