Bad News...

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
apparently my fiancee drank a lot of alchohal and downed a shit ton of anti-biotics for my bronchitas...

she is at a hospital with IV's and had to take a bunch of charchol...

i feel like shit....the state might take her and their is nothing her mother or I can do about that...she is staying at the hospital for a few days till she is medically stable....

i hate sleeping alone...i miss her. I hate going into the Emergency room and seeing her IV'd and shit...fuck i have to get the next 2 days off so i can be on call to see her...

im so tired, i have got no sleep for the past 24 hours...

I wish you and her the best.

I had to watch my brother on IVs while he was charcoled for taking much worse shit than that man... none of the doctors could tell me what he was going to happen to him and one of them told me he would have permenant brain damage... but he pulled through 100%. i really hope she has a quick recovery too.
I done saw that sceeter! I was just trying to lighten things up from the apparent notion of suicide. sheesh. Kill it why don't you...

This is really no joking matter though. I wish her the best, but I think lots of things need to be reevaluated.
Shitty man, best of luck. I speak from experience when I say that IVs are the worst part about being in the hospital. They don't hurt too bad, but bad enough to annoy you and be on your mind constantly, and they itch like hell too. But it hurts to scratch them :\ Not to mention they have to change them every day or so. Ugh.

Good luck again, man. That charcoal stuff works wonders.
apparently my fiancee drank a lot of alchohal and downed a shit ton of anti-biotics for my bronchitas...

she is at a hospital with IV's and had to take a bunch of charchol...

i feel like shit....the state might take her and their is nothing her mother or I can do about that...she is staying at the hospital for a few days till she is medically stable....

i hate sleeping alone...i miss her. I hate going into the Emergency room and seeing her IV'd and shit...fuck i have to get the next 2 days off so i can be on call to see her...

im so tired, i have got no sleep for the past 24 hours...

your fiancee is a minor?
well, all pedophile jokes aside, if she'd already been married to you at the time of this incident, the "state" wouldn't have even been able to "take" her, because she would be considered an "emancipated" adult

2nd thing
if a parent or gaurdian is caught using drugs, the "state" would prolly take the minor away, but if it's the minor using (and the parents are sober) then, the "state" prolly wouldn't because they would want the child to remain with the parent/gaurdian for "stability" as part of the rehabilitation "proccess"

seriously a minor getting taken away from parents because of THE MINOR using drugs is an EXTREMELY rare thing
Last year, a friend of mine did something similar, except she downed two bottles of pain killers. That charcoal stuff saved her life.

I hope everything will be alright, mang. *hugs*
it makes you throw up anything that you took before it completely enters your system. i had to take it when i was little when I took my grandfather's heart medicine (dunno why).

you mean "ipicac"?

i didn't know Ipicak had charcoal in it
everyone here just calls it "Ipacak" (spell?)
i had to take it frequently as a little kid
i went through a phase of drinking anything i could find that was liquid
and i kept drinking poisonous liquids cuz my mom was asleep 22 hours a day (from pills) and my baby sitters were stupid and always kept the poisonous liquids where i could reach them easily