Bad News...

I think Ipecac is different, but I'm not sure.

The powder stuff is supposed to absorb the chemicals from drugs, but I'm not sure if it also makes you vomit. When I used to do DXM I'd read numerous trip reports from people who ended up overdosing, going to the hospital and having to "take the powder" and they all talked about how gross and uncomfortable it was, but no one ever said anything about vomitting. But who knows... like I said, I'm not sure.

edit: On a side note, Mike Patton chose a really awesome name for his record label ;)
well, they probably use charcoal, too. I know that I had Ipacak. Not sure what the general procedure is.

does Ipacak actually have charcoal in it? or is the charcoal thing maybe a totally seperate chem compound?
I think Ipecac is different, but I'm not sure.

The powder stuff is supposed to absorb the chemicals from drugs, but I'm not sure if it also makes you vomit. When I used to do DXM I'd read numerous trip reports from people who ended up overdosing, going to the hospital and having to "take the powder" and they all talked about how gross and uncomfortable it was, but no one ever said anything about vomitting. But who knows... like I said, I'm not sure.

edit: On a side note, Mike Patton chose a really awesome name for his record label ;)

well, i know from my freinds overdosing and ending up in ER, that sometimes they don't want you to throw up for certain drugs, so they give you this stuff that makes the drugs get flushed out of your system through diarhea, but i can't remember if this was the powder or the liquid
... or they give you an antidote which enters a chemical reaction with the certan substance they don't want in organism and neutrolizes it...
your fiancee is a minor?
well, all pedophile jokes aside, if she'd already been married to you at the time of this incident, the "state" wouldn't have even been able to "take" her, because she would be considered an "emancipated" adult


Uh, fellas? If she's considered a threat to herself or others, the state can take her even if she's an 87 year old woman with 3 husbands.
what the fucking hell is this "charcoal" stuff that's being refered to?
i seriously have no fucking clue what you're talking about here

activated charcoal.... it's used in pharmacotherapies.

it could always be some other stuff. I heard the term "activated charcoal" pretty often during my classes though.
Ahh, well I understand that, but couldn't you have just edited that part out. Anyways, I hope this all works out for you Liverslapper.