wow worst luck

Ah yes. I was definitely beyond retardation while posting. And I misunderstood the situation. He is on my side. I having a tendency toward jealousy was assuming the worst. It's all good. But really. Damn. Oops. I had a terrible day overall. So... oh well peeps. It's all okay now, hope you all are alright.
of course, judging by the situation you're already in, demanding exclusivity in dating could also create a lot more pressure and new problems...

just figure out what you want first and then look for a person who will respect that.
You might want to consider demanding exclusivity when dating. It would have stopped all that crap before it even started.

I know you will probably say "Yeah right" but the situation is so complicated it's NOT EVEN funny. And it is exclusive. Sometimes? It's like an open relationship that neither of us really take advantage of? You know what, I can't even make any sense of it really, but it has worked well for us thus far.
Haha, well that was our logic. I had been in a bad relationship, and was really pissed about "relationships" and he had been screwed over and just isn't ready to get into a relationship yet because both of us believe that if you get into a relationship with someone then you should be serious about them. And while we care very deeply for each other, he isn't ready to get married, to "settle down". But why just not see each other because of that? He COULD settle down, and he COULD be monogamous, and of course so could I, but if we're both at a place where we're both not ready at the moment, but think we found our soulmates in one another, but have some... childish... haha fooling around to do (or the possibility of) why START OUT FUCKED UP. You know? Like why run the risk of being tempted and cheating or something and ruin what we have. We're like, amazingly close and compatible, and it's ridiculous. Why ruin that for the future by having so much tension? We thought we were making it less complicated from the beginning, and it actually was. It's just that this person is, who contacted me, is clearly off her rocker PERIOD.

But I do understand what you meant, good sir.