So....I got laid. (help)

You think YOU have it bad, Det Som, I can barely go 5-10 minutes at record length. Lucky for me, the hard on sometimes remains for quite a while, and the woman I'm with can continue to have her fun.

This is actually an empowering thing for you.
btw, I prefer to make my 'grilled cheese' like this:


I just call it Panini, I guess it's the same, sans the butter...

They call that "toast"'s basically a grilled cheese sandwich with a slice of ham in the middle. It's good to have in the evening over a drink or ten at the pub. They typically use Sottilette, which is like Italianized American cheese, but it's white. It's horrible cold but when cooked it's really fucking good for some reason. It melts perfectly. You can even put it in pasticcio or lasagne and it's still awesome.

Cheddar is almost impossible to find here unless you go to a specialty store. :( My grandmother used to make the most awesome grilled cheese sandwiches; big, thick slices of sharp cheddar, oil in the skillet, and with a pat of butter on each side of the bread.
They call that "toast"'s basically a grilled cheese sandwich with a slice of ham in the middle. It's good to have in the evening over a drink or ten at the pub. They typically use Sottilette, which is like Italianized American cheese, but it's white. It's horrible cold but when cooked it's really fucking good for some reason. It melts perfectly. You can even put it in pasticcio or lasagne and it's still awesome.

Cheddar is almost impossible to find here unless you go to a specialty store. :( My grandmother used to make the most awesome grilled cheese sandwiches; big, thick slices of sharp cheddar, oil in the skillet, and with a pat of butter on each side of the bread.

hahaha Chris, in my language I call it 'toast' as well!!!
in English I thought it's called panini... but yeah, it's 'toast' for me too :)

It's extremely popular in Israel, you'll find them in almost every bar/ cafe.
The gourmet version or the plain one...
I love 'em!

Do Edam. and add some good herbs and other cheeses (like Boulgarian cheese, the one that is almost like feta but saltier? I know you know what I'm talking about) you can add that, tomatoes, some herbs... fucking yum!
My favorite kind of "toast" are the ones you find normally at better pubs or other establishments. Instead of the crappy cheese, they use two slices of real melted mozzarella with two tomato slices sprinkled with oregano.

Holy crap is it awesome.

Not sure what the English version is, but "panini" is simply the plural for "sandwich" in Italian. A panino here means anything with two slices of bread on each side...a hamburger is a panino, a grilled cheese sandwich is a panino, a toast is a panino, etc. Interesting that they use it for that specific sandwich in the US, though...
You could probably jerry rig it to work by smashing two pieces of buttered bread with cheese between them as flat as you could manage and popping it into the toaster.

The new direction of this thread, combined with another thread on the board, presents me with a slight conundrum. I'm hungry now, but I'm about five minutes into a piece of gum. :(

and on a side note...does anyone know how to make grilled cheese with a regular toaster? i know there a way but i just cant too lazy to fire up the stove
Yes. Drive to the store and buy bread that has fairly small and extra super thin slices -- look for diet bread, as that is usually fits the bill. Then get a package of those nasty oily processed cheese-food slices that swears it's got dairy in. Go home. Take two pieces of the bread and put a single slice of oil cheese between them. Put the sammich in the toaster and toast. It's almost completely inedible and almost nobody ever has the proper ingredients in the house, making it rather significantly less convenient than firing up the stove, IMO, but there it is.
My Mother and Grandmother went absolutely nuts for them a year or two and both bought me a few packs for Christmas a few years back. They're pretty good. I wouldn't have especially believed it myself, but I've tested those badboys and they work.
Dead Winter understood me. I did get mad when I usually don't it's just...I don't know. I trusted you guys more than anyone to talk to about this because I thought we were like a Neverboard family. I don't know. I'm sorry. I exploded on Kriggy because I was drunk and he offended me.

Eric-It wasn't her but I don't want to tell you who it was because I really don't trust you and I don't want you to fuck my life up more than it already is.

The girl moved. She's gone. I probably won't ever see her again.