
I tend to prefer For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. There was a lot of tension in the band while they were recording Balance and it showed up in some of the material. Bruce Fairbairn's production leaves a lot to be desired too.

Now F.U.C.K. is a great album :headbang:. The boys were all in great spirits and ready to rock again after the more radio-friendly sounds of OU812.

What I'd like to know is when they're going to remaster the Hagar era VH albums. I've loved 5150 since it first came out, but I only have it on tape because the CD of it doesn't sound too flash at all IMHO.

As for the band getting their act together and recording some new material, I gave up all hope of that years ago :cry:.

I don't know VH very well, but watched a VCD of theirs with lots of video clips the other week. I like the stuff where Eddie gets to show what he can do, but the love songs with Sammy on vocals suck arse. What's their stuff like overall?
Van Halen just kick ass allround!

i even liked the Gary Cherone album (III), VH are brilliant!